Chapter Thirteen

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The uneasiness that M'Baku has been feeling for weeks has not let up and it's making him paranoid, jumpy, and agitated. As a result, he's neglecting Kimaya who does not appreciate this at all. She is currently pacing in Dr. Ukuzola's office. The doctor is waiting for her to speak. The steam rises slowly from her mug of coffee as Ukuzola sips her own tea.

"I'm going to kill M'Baku."

"I don't know if I should say that this is progress because you no longer want to kill T'Challa or concern for M'Baku."

"He's been paranoid for the last month and won't tell me why. I have not gotten my pussy ate or pounded by my thick chief and she does not appreciate it."

Ukuzola blinks as she puts her mug down and looks at Kimaya who is now standing still, hands on her temples. 

"Have you've tried talking to him?"

"Yes. I tried doing a spa night: didn't work. I tried to get him to spar: didn't work. I even tried asking T'Challa and N'Jadaka if they could find out what was bothering him and they got nothing!"

"Think of this as the first test in your relationship with M'Baku."

"Of what? Patience? Cause he sure is testing it. I rather him say he's been breeding his best friend Mjibu instead of keeping this air of paranoia and agitation!"

For once, Ukuzola is silent in shock at the words that came out of Kimaya's mouth. The woman sits as she sips her coffee.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what I'm saying."

"Don't apologise: you are expressing your feelings."

"I'm just...worried. M'Baku is always the happy one or the one who doesn't let things bother him and now something is bothering him and I can't help. He always helps me. And I feel useless cause I can't seem to return the gesture."

Kimaya wipes a tear as she puts her mug down. 

"How am I suppose to be his Chieftess and he can't even disclose or won't disclose to me what's wrong?"

"You're hurt by the fact you can always run to him with your problems or in times of needs but he won't do the same to you. Kimaya don't let that reflect on you."

"But doesn't it mean something? That something is wrong with me?"

"Nothing is wrong with you."

"You don't have to lie."

"I'm not," Ukuzola says as she takes her hands in her own. "Kimaya you are a strong woman who has dealt with a rough childhood and then had to carve a place out for your own. Furthermore, you have taken the steps to get help, trying to become a better person for a man you love. You can't allow this challenge in this relationship, define you."

Kimaya nods as she wipes a tear.

"I just wish he would talk to me."

"He will talk when he is ready."

"What if he's never ready?"

"Then it may be time for you to move on. You do have a king who is also fighting for your hand."

Kimaya licks her lips but nods, finishing her coffee.

"Next week same time?"

"Yeah. I'll call if I need an emergency session."

Ukuzola nods as she stands, hugging Kimaya.

"This too shall pass my dear."

"Thank you Ukuzola."

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