Chapter Fifteen

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"What's wrong with you?" N'Jadaka asks M'Baku.

"Why do you care?"

"Cause I rather not see your angry face while I work."

"Kimaya won't talk to me."

"Can't blame her. Believe her abusive father over her. Why would she ever not want to talk to you?"

M'Baku growls.

"I never said—"

"But your face and body language. Kimaya is an expert at reading both and is why T'Challa often takes her with him to UN meetings and shit. She ain't dumb. If she said you were thinking it: you were."

M'Baku looks down. Okay so maybe he did believe that she attacked Davu.

"I need to fix this."

"No. You need to leave her alone before she fully cuts you off."

"Kimaya wouldn't—"

"Look," N'Jadaka says, eyes hard. "Kimaya can And will cut you off like there is no history between you two. Keep pressing her when she's not ready to talk and she will lash out and are you sure you can handle an angry Kimaya?"

M'Baku looks at N'Jadaka.

"But you don't have to listen to me. Do you Chief."

M'Baku stands and walks away as N'Jadaka shakes his head. He should've gone with Kimaya.
Kimaya returns to Wakanda three shades dark, hair dyed white, and looking a bit thicker. She enters the throne room making the conversations stop before Shuri lights up.


She catches the princess who tackles her before N'Jadaka tackles her as well. She laughs as the cousins hug her before letting her go.

"Twirl!" N'Jadaka commands and she turns, the white body-hugging maxi dress makes her glow. "Bitch you look so fucking good."

"Thank you."

T'Challa enters the throne room and blinks.


"Hey T."

He smiles before hugging her, holding her close as she smiles, hugging him back. He pulls back, holding her waist.

"You look amazing."

"Thank you."

"Are you staying for the meeting?"

"Sure. What are we talking about to today?"

"I'll send you the agenda but we are talking bridge updates, technology updates, and my upcoming U.N. trip which I want you to come to."

"Of course."

He smiles as they walk to their seats, Kimaya hugging the mining elder as she makes small talk. Ayo walks over and hugs her, making her laugh as she kisses her cheek. She returns to her post. M'Baku enters, stopping mid-stride at seeing Kimaya. She is glowing and looks delicious.


She looks up, smile disappearing as her eyes go hard and dark.

"Chief M'Baku."

He swallows as she looks away, looking at N'Jadaka who whispers something before the best friends giggle. M'Baku sits as the meeting begins.
The meeting finishes and M'Baku watches as T'Challa holds Kimaya's waist, a smile on his face as she talks with the cousins.

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