Chapter Nine

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T'Challa bumps into M'Baku who looks at him. T'Challa catches a whiff of Kimaya on M'Baku and he growls.

"What's wrong Kitten? Upset you are nothing but a toy?" M'Baku sneers.

"I have known her longer than you. Are you sure you are not the toy?"

"I know I'm not the toy. She comes back to the Jabari every night."

T'Challa is quiet as M'Baku smirks.

"You are merely here for her pleasure. I'm sure she does not call you "My King" or anything like that."

M'Baku moves closer to T'Challa.

"You leave her alone. She is not yours to have."

M'Baku walks away, leaving T'Challa with his anger and thoughts.
"I saw the king."

Kimaya looks up from the work before her and sits up, kissing M'Baku who strokes her cheek.

"And did you gloat?"

"Yes. He needs to understand that you are mine and I am yours. I am sure he figured that out from watching me eat you like you were my last meal."

"He saw?"

"Yes is--"

"Why didn't you stop?"

"Because I wanted--"

Kimaya moves away and M'Baku grabs her arm.

"I am sorry for not stopping. I wanted him to see that you are mine. He doesn't do well with words clearly. Like a cat. You tell a cat not to push the glass off the table and what does it do? Push it off the table."

Kimaya chuckles at the comparison and M'Baku smiles, kissing her cheek.

"I am sorry my chieftess. I Should've told him to go away and not allow my emotions to get the best of me in that moment but let us be honest: you would've killed me if I stopped. Regardless of T'Challa's presence."

"That is true."

"So I did the right thing. I kept my chieftess happy."

Kimaya looks at M'Baku and kisses him softly.

"Why do you want me? I am no good."

"I've told you before: I want you because you are meant for me. No one else is meant for me but you. And I know you feel it too."

She smiles as she kisses him.

"I will have a hurt panther to deal with."

"That is fine. For now: I want your attention."
Kimaya enters her office and sees T'Challa. He's angry and she sighs.


"He has no right to speak to me that way."

"You know how Jabari men are: Possessive of who they love."

T'Challa grabs her waist and pulls her close. He goes to kiss her but she turns her face, causing the kiss to end up on her cheek. He frowns.

"Why are you acting different?"

"I am not acting different. I am acting like I have an intended."

"It didn't feel like that last week."

"T'Challa. It won't be happening again."

"You say that every time."

"What are you implying?" Kimaya asks, glaring at him.

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