Chapter Twenty-One

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Six Months later
T'Challa, Shuri, And Kimaya stare at the baby sitting on the table, sucking on a piece of dried mango.

" that White Wolf?" T'Challa finally asks as Shuri types into the screen and begins a scan of the baby. He looks on in awe as he is scanned before Shuri gets the finally report.

"He's...healthy," she says in shock. "It says he's 16 months old."

"How?!" T'Challa says, for once his words failing him.

"My turn," Kimaya says as her hands glow white and she gently scans Bucky, the de-aged soldier giggling as his mango is forgotten and he reaches for her hand. "What was his last mission?"

"He went with Steve and Sam to check on something. I don't know what though."

"Here's the report," Shuri says as she had walked over to her desk and pulled it up. Kimaya picks Bucky up, holding him as she walks over to the siblings. "Says they ran into a woman who hit them with something red before disappearing. Sam and Steve are fine."

"Are you sure?"

Shuri pulls up the cameras to the training room they usually use and see Sam and Steve running on the treadmill together.

"Okay so it effected Bucky," T'Challa says. "Did you figure—"

"Nope. I'm going to need more time."

He nods and Kimaya is about to give him Bucky but he clings to her, holding onto her robe in a death grip. He gives an angry sound and Shuri laughs at the looks they give each other.

"Okay...I will keep Bucky. I guess."

"Do you think M'Baku...?"

"He has to. Bucky won't let me go."

They chuckle as she waves, leaving with Bucky.

"Now let's go find my husband."
M'Baku stares at the little boy sitting with Awa curled around him. He's leaning on him, watching Sesame Street, a soft giggle leaving him as he watches one of the colourful puppets fall. He looks up as his mug is held in front of him.

"Thank you...that's white wolf?"

"Bucky," Kimaya corrects as she sits on the arm of the chair. He looks over and she smiles, Bucky returning it before returning to the TV. "And yes."

M'Baku is stunned.

"And T'Challa asked..."

"Bucky wouldn't let me give him to anyone else."

"So he picked you?"

"Yes. All I did was check to see what kind of spell this is."

"We have a child now..."

"Yes. Ready for this Baba?"


She laughs as she walks over to Bucky, sitting next to Bucky who crawls into her lap, hugging her arm as she kisses his forehead. Awa rests his head in Bucky's lap. M'Baku feels left out and joins them, putting an arm around Kimaya. Bucky looks at him and smiles and Kimaya watches as M'Baku melts, chuckling.
M'Baku watches his wife sleep and smiles. She has been busy with her usual job, trying to find a cure for Bucky, and taking care of Bucky. She is exhausted. He hears Bucky give a quiet noise and he looks over at the crib where the super soldier is sitting up, looking at him with big blue eyes. M'Baku walks over and picks him up.

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