Chapter Sixteen

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Kimaya lays in bed, Awa's head on her stomach. She strokes her fur as she looks at the ceiling. It's dark and the sad music continues to play. Kimaya has been locked away in her room for a week. She hasn't done any work or much of anything besides laying in bed. A knock makes her look up as she drags herself from bed, walking to the door. She opens the door to reveal Dr. Ukozula who holds a small gift basket.

"Dr. Ukozula...what...?"

"I figured you didn't want to leave your room so I brought the therapy to you. I also bring gifts of coffee, fruit, chocolate, and other favourites."

She smiles and lets her in, closing the door as she lets her in, leading her to the kitchen. Ukozula places the basket down and Kimaya takes the coffee, brewing it as she boils some water for tea.

"How have you've been? N'Jadaka mentioned you and M'Baku had a fight."

Kimaya bites her bottom lip. 

"I...I didn't say if I could forgive M'Baku or not and give him a second chance. He said that he gave me so many chances and he can't even get one. It made me feel like shit. I just..."

"Well--and do not get mad at me--he is a bit correct but he also needs to understand that sleeping with T'Challa is not the same as believing your abuser over you."

Kimaya nods as she places the mug of hot water before Ukozula and places the tray of teas before her as the older woman makes her tea how she likes. Kimaya makes her coffee the way she likes and takes a sip. 

"How have you've been handling that?"

"I've been hiding. I know it's not healthy but when I'm here, alone, I can't get hurt."

"But you're still hurting."

Kimaya nods.

"What are you thinking?"

"That I'm better off alone. That, I can have friends, but I don't deserve to put anyone through my shit. Just cause I'm a mess don't mean that I need to put someone through that. I gotta get me right."

"Skipping therapy sessions is not helping."

Kimaya chuckles as she rolls her eyes. 

"I know. I'll be at the next one."

"You better."

She laughs as she sits with Ukozula, speaking about the other things bothering her.
Kimaya walks into the throne room and sits quietly, waiting for everyone else to arrive. She is looking at her phone, legs crossed as she reads something. She feels a hand on her and looks up to see Ramonda.

"Hey Aunty."

"Hey yourself. Where have you've been?"

"In my room. Just...taking some time for myself."

"T'Challa told me what happened. You okay?"

"I'm getting there."

She nods as she rubs her back before kissing her forehead.

"Well, storms don't last forever."

Kimaya smiles as Ramonda sits next to her and the elders begin to trickle in. N'Jadaka and Shuri enter, smiling at seeing Kimaya. They hug her, making her laugh as they hold her.

"I'm happy to see you," N'Jadaka whispers as Kimaya smiles at her best friend. "By the way, we need to get drinks cause I gotta tell you about this cutie I bagged."

"What tribe?"


She gives a little smug smile as N'Jadaka pushes her arm and she laughs. T'Challa walks over, kissing her forehead as she smiles at him. She stands and hugs him, smiling at him.

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