Chapter Seven

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Kimaya ignores M'Baku's request to speak with her for the fifth time. She sits in her office, staring at the untouched blueprint on the glass. A knock makes her look up.

"Come in."

N'Jadaka enters, a servant following him with a tray of fruits and drinks. The servant bows before walking out and leaving the two friends. N'Jadaka walks over and hugs her, the pent-up emotions of the past few days just pouring out in sobs. Kimaya shakes as N'Jadaka rubs her back.

"It's okay. Let it out. Let it out."

Kimaya pulls back and wipes her face. N'Jadaka sits her down before grabbing a tissue and handing it to her. She wipes her tears before blowing her nose.

"Oh ew."

She punches N'Jadaka in the arm who laughs as she smiles.

"Are you feeling a little better?"

"Yes. I need a drink."

"I got you."

N'Jadaka fills a glass with the pink coloured wine and hands it to her. She downs it in one go and he refills it.

"What's going on? T'Challa says you have been an emotional mess lately."

"M'Baku...M'Baku got me a gift that was made by my godfather and it just brought up memories of my sperm donor."

"Oh honey."

N'Jadaka hugs her before kissing her forehead.

"Did you tell him?"

"No. I just came back home. I couldn't stay."

N'Jadaka nods.

"I know I may be the last person who should suggest this but..." N'Jadaka nibbles on a piece of pineapple. "You think maybe you should go to therapy?"

Kimaya is quiet as she looks at the floor.

"I should. Fuck that: I need to. Not no should."

"Shit, you go and maybe maybe I'll go."

"Nigga you need to go. Not no maybe."

"I know but I rather fuck and drink. Much cheaper."

"We have universal healthcare."

N'Jadaka shrugs as she chuckles, popping a grape into her mouth. 

"So, how's your boyfriend?" Kimaya says with a sly look as N'Jadaka groans.

"Bitch! I gave this man good dick one time and he stalking me! And of course, T'Challa ain't taking my safety seriously. Says I'm being dramatic."

Kimaya laughs as N'Jadaka begins to tell her about the stalker booty call.
M'Baku is determined to see Kimaya before he goes back to the mountains. He refuses to leave her upset with him. He knocks on the door of her quarters and hears a "Come In". He enters and sees Kimaya sitting on the couch, looking at something on her tablet. She looks up.

"M'Baku," She says, surprise on her face.

"Hello, Kimaya." 

He holds the last gift he gave her. He puts it down before her and sits across from her.

"We need to talk."

She bites her lip.

"I want to court you Kimaya. I really do but I feel like every time I think I'm doing good, I mess up--"

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