Chapter Fourteen

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Kimaya sits by the fire pit in her backyard, Awa's head in her lap, as she sips the mug of coffee in her hand as she looks over some documents. She hears footsteps and looks back to see Davu.

"It's rude to enter someone's home without asking."

"Your door was open."

"Everyone's doors are open in the Jabari but we are not friends or family. You don't have that right or privilege to enter unannounced."

Davu stares at her before lunging. The sound of shattering glass fills the air as the mug lays in pieces on the floor. Kimaya's hands are grasping the blades of the dagger and she hisses in pain. She pushes the man back, eyes glowing gold. She shoves the man back making him fall to his back.

"Get out. Get out before I do something I will regret."

Davu slowly stands before looking at her. He raises the dagger.

"What are you--No!"

He stabs himself in the stomach repeatedly before coughing blood.

"Y-Y-You attacked me..."

Kimaya stares wide eye as he stumbles from her house. She panics and grabs her things for work before disappearing with Awa close behind. 

Davu stumbles out the house, calling for help. Several people rush over including M'Baku who stares at the injured high priest.

"High Priest!" Ata cries. "What--"

"She attacked me...the outsider..."

"Kimaya?" M'Baku says. "She would never--"

"You think the high priest would lie?!" Ata roars making everyone look at M'Baku.

"I will talk to her and find out her side of the story."

"She is dangerous! That outsider woman is dangerous!" Ata says. "She shouldn't be here! And she shouldn't be our chieftess."

There are murmurs of agreements and M'Baku stares as Davu is picked up and carried away. He quickly walks to the cabin.

"Kimaya? Kimaya? Kimaya!"

He follows the trail of blood to the back where he sees the broken mug and overturned chair. There is an obvious sign of a struggle but Kimaya is not there. He searches the cabin but she is missing.

"Kimaya where did you go?" He mumbles.
Kimaya appears in N'Jadaka's room and he jumps before blinking. Kimaya is shaking and Awa is making sounds he has never heard before.

"Kim? Kim? Kimaya!"

She looks at him, eyes mismatched and her hands covered in blood.

"You're bleeding! We have to get you to Shuri!"

He grabs a towel from the closet and presses it to her hands as he rushes her to Shuri's lab. Shuri jumps as N'Jadaka enters, yelling for her.


"Bast! N'Jadaka what is--Kimaya? Kimaya  what happened?!"

"I don't know," N'Jadaka says as he sits Kimaya down. "She appeared in my room with Awa, hands bleeding. She's been shaking the entire time."

Shuri removes the towel and looks over the wounds.

"Her powers must have prevented it from bleeding as much. Pass me the kit."

N'Jadaka obeys as Shuri begins to heal Kimaya's hand. 

"Kimaya? Kimaya?"

She slowly looks up at N'Jadaka.

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