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Shayne gives Olivia a surprise gift for their anniversary.

3rd Person:

The buzz of a phone awoke Olivia from her slumber. Olivia normally hated to be woken up, but in this case it wasn't that bad. That's mainly because the person who was trying to reach her was the one and only Shayne Topp, her boyfriend of two years, as of today.

Olivia realized the significant date as she picked up the phone, it made the reason of his call so much better.

"Shayne" Olivia said while letting out what was like a sigh of relief almost.

"Happy anniversary babe" Shayne said.

She couldn't see him but she had a feeling Shayne was smiling through the phone.

"You too babe, to what do I owe the pleasure of a morning call though?" Olivia asked.

"Just calling to tell you that you're beautiful, I love you and I'm picking you up at 10" Shayne said.

Although Olivia couldn't see, Shayne's smile got even bigger and brighter. He had one hell of a day planned for them.

"Well I'll see you in a couple of hours then, love you" Olivia said before hanging up.

She was eager to find out what type of day Shayne had in store for her. Maybe it was a day of adventure, or a day of romance, or perhaps both. Two hours later loud honks filled the air,a beautiful Olivia Sui emerged from her apartment building. She wore a gorgeous black and yellow dress that fit her shape perfectly, she wore heels and her hair down. Shayne nearly drooled at the sight of his girlfriend. Coincidentally, Shayne was wearing a matching yellow shirt. As Olivia jumped into Shayne's car, she gave him the biggest of kisses. They even made out for a short while, Olivia's lipstick smearing on Shayne's face. Shayne's car was perfect for their steamy makeout sessions. Olivia tried to get out of Shayne where they going, but failed every time. He would not spill the details. Not even when Olivia tried to bribe him by taking one of her dress straps off, right in the car as they were on a highway. He didn't even bust when she took the other strap off for a few quick seconds. Shayne wasn't opposed to the idea of stopping the car somewhere and indulging his practically naked girlfriend, but he quickly told her to fix her dress as they were almost there. They drove about an hour out of Los Angeles to this gorgeous beach. The real proper surprise wasn't until sunset, but until then they had a whole day to enjoy being together. They began their day with a walk along the water, enjoying the feeling of sand between their toes. At lunch time they stopped at a nice diner and had a delicious meal. They then found a cute ice cream place and got a 'couples sundae'. Olivia wanted her own, but Shayne insisted they share one as it was more romantic. At every chance they got, they made sure to give each other sweet kisses. Sneaking around corners for quick makeout sessions. At exactly 5.30 pm, Shayne presented Olivia with a bag. Inside were a clean change of clothes, pajamas and a beautiful strapless, two piece jumpsuit. Something Olivia wouldn't normally wear, but she loved it. Shayne also had a bag with clean clothes and pajamas. He had an orange shirt and floral shorts that matched perfectly with what Olivia wore. The couple got changed into their new clothes and Shayne drove them to the other side of the beach. On the other side were several beach huts, Shayne pulled out a key and took them to the fourth hut along the line. Inside was a king sized bed, a dining area, a small kitchen, a television and a large bathroom with a couples shower and a gorgeous bath.

"Woah, what is this?" Olivia asked excitedly.

"My gift to you, well one of them. The other is still yet to come." Shayne said.

He grabbed Olivia by the waist and kissed her passionately. Olivia melted into the kiss, but quickly pulled away.

"I still haven't given you your gift Shayne" She said.

"Liv, you being here is my gift" Shayne said with a goofy smile.

"Oh I know, but I have something else" Olivia said flipping her hair.

Olivia, with a giggle, ran to a small bag she had brought with her this morning. She pulled out a neatly wrapped gift, and handed it to Shayne. The top of the gift was labeled 'to my everything, love always, Olivia'.

Shayne opened the gift to find a cute little photo book with heaps of photos of the couple over the last two years. Shayne loved it and he began to choke up.

"Olivia, this... this is perfect, I love it, I love you" Shayne said.

"It's no beach hut.. but I love you too" Olivia said.

The two shared the sweetest of kisses before Shayne interrupted.

"There's still more to my surprise, come with me" Shayne said.

He led Olivia out the back of their beach hut, and looked out to the ocean. Laid across the sand was a gorgeous candle lit dinner, surrounded with flowers.

"Babe, you didn't!" Olivia said.

She ran to the gorgeous lay out on the sand. She was so in love with Shayne, he went out of his way to do all this for her. Oh how she would repay him that night. The two enjoyed their candle lit dinner and chatted. Shayne revealed that he had been planning this alongside the squad for months, they were in on the perfect plan. They watched the sun set and when it got completely dark they went back inside their hut. Olivia told Shayne to stay where he was for a bit. She went into the bathroom and prepared a candle lit, bubble bath with flowers. She got completely undressed and then opened the door. When Shayne saw her his draw dropped.

"Thought you could join me" Olivia said in a seductive voice.

Shayne quickly got to his feet and ran towards the bathroom. His clothes being discarded on the way there. When he got into the bathroom, Olivia gave him a kiss and guided him into the bath with her.

"Happy anniversary babe" Olivia said while she lifted herself onto his lap.

The rest of the night was spent in complete love with one another. Celebrating two of the most amazing years they've had. The night ended with Olivia sound asleep comfortably in the love of her life's arms.

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