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Shayne makes Olivia feel things

3rd Person:

She wondered if he could feel it. The weight of his words as they came tumbling out of his mouth in front of her. Did they churn in his gut as he drove to her apartment? Did he want to turn around at every red light he hit the more he thought about what he was going to say? Could he feel it creeping up the back of his throat with every step he took towards her door?

Did his mouth go dry when she opened her door in a half asleep stupor, with nothing but an oversized t-shirt clothing her body and a messy bun coming unraveled on top of her head? Did his tongue feel heavy at all as he sat on a bar stool at her kitchen island while she offered him something to drink?

"Don't marry him, Olivia" He said.

She wondered if he could see it. The way every syllable washed over her.

Did she flinch? Did her face drop on the outside the way that her heart dropped to her stomach on the inside? Did he see the way her hands started to shake as she gripped onto the countertop? Could he see the confusion turn to shock and the shock turn to anger when she looked at him and he looked so steady and sure?

"What the hell?" She muttered rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

She blinked a few times just to make sure he was really there and that this wasn't some dream.

"Shayne..." She said.

"Olivia" he breathed.

The way her name rolled off his tongue made her heart temporarily lose it's normal rythm. She hated that he still had the ability to make her feel this way.

"Just..." He began.

"It is one o'clock in the damn morning, and I am getting married in less than a month" She said.

"I know" He said.

Did he? Did he really know? He sure seemed hell bent and determined to change her mind.

He sat there in front of her, head ducked, with both hands clasped together on the countertop.

Olivia could feel panic setting in, and her mouth felt like cotton. She began to frantically pace around her kitchen, opening and closing cabinets in search of a cup.

"Where are the damn cups? I-I need water" She said.

"Olivia ..." He tried.

Shayne was rounding the corner of the island to help her when she threw the last cabinet door shut and it returned with a satisfying and loud thwack. He froze in his spot while she took a deep breath.

When she turned to face him, her face was flushed, her breathing was quick, and if he looked hard enough he would see the fresh tears welling up in her eyes.

"Why? Why are you doing this?" She asked the question with her hand gesturing towards him.

"Why now?" She said.

"I-" He said.

"You know what? No, don't answer that" She said.

Shaylivia -- One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now