The Sister

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Olivia's sister showing up randomly disrupts things

"Ughh why didn't we close the blinds last night?" Shayne grumbled half asleep.

It was 9:30 AM on a Saturday morning which thankfully he and Olivia had off. All he wanted to do was spend his free Saturday snoozing with Olivia but the bright sunshine had other ideas.

"Probably because we were drunk and got home at 4 AM" Olivia replied from under her pillow.

"Remind me to never allow Keith to convince us to go out with him again" Shayne said.

Keith had wanted to celebrate the rare weekend off by inviting the squad to a couple of rounds at a bar. A couple turned into a dozen, showcased by the pounding headache both Shayne and Olivia were feeling. Olivia tries to recall what all that happened last night. She has a vague memory of sneaking away with Shayne and stumbling their way into her bedroom but the rest remains blank. Her thoughts are interrupted by Shayne groaning behind her and his arms wrapping around her waist.

"Was Keith topless on the bar last night or was that a dream?" Shayne questioned.

"I mean it wouldn't surprise me but I'm more concerned on why you'd be dreaming of that, don't tell me you have a thing for Keith?!?" Olivia mocked Shayne with a shocked voice.

"Oh no you caught me!" Replied Shayne playing along with an equally sarcastic voice.

"Do you think he'd go for me?" He asked.

"Let's be real, I don't think you're his type" Olivia said.

"Damn I guess I'll just have to keep you then" Shayne chuckled lowly while pressing his smile against Olivia's lips.

This is how he wants every Saturday to be. He wants to wake up with Olivia encased in his arms, hearing her laugh at his stupid jokes. He never thought he could crave a future as much as he did a future with Olivia. After Dee left, he felt as if he would never find happiness again. Now, laying with Olivia in his arms, he knows that wasn't true happiness. She brings light to his life, constantly helping him and showing him that things can get better. He shook himself from his thoughts and released Olivia from his arms. Stumbling out of the bed he grabbed a pair of shorts left in Olivia's wardrobe and pulled them on over his boxers. Shayne had fully intended to go downstairs and make breakfast but as he exited the bathroom he sees Olivia adorably encompassed by the covers and quickly changes his mind.

"Back so soon?" Olivia laughed out as Shayne slid back in behind her.

"You looked pretty desperate without me so I thought I'd save you" He said.

Olivia elbowed Shayne in the gut.

"Don't lie, you just couldn't go five seconds without me" She said.

Shayne hummed along contentedly, neither denying or confirming. Olivia enjoys this more open and carefree side of Shayne now that they're together. Shayne didn't always let her in before they were together. Ever since they started dating she's noticed a more playful and vulnerable Shayne. A Shayne that's isn't afraid to openly show his true emotions to her.

Olivia turned around in his arms and brought her lips to his. Things began to get heated and Olivia was straddling Shayne when the doorbell rang through the house. Breaking away, Olivia furrowed her eyebrows while Shayne made his way down her neck.

"Ignore it Olivia, it's probably just the mailman or something" He said.

Shayne brought her lips back to his own and gripped her waist tightly. They were interrupted again by the doorbell and some persistent knocking. Shayne sighed as Olivia slipped off his lap and fixed her sleep shorts before she made her way downstairs.

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