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Shayne meets Olivia after work

"You're gonna have to let yourself in."

Shayne glanced down at his phone while stopped at a red light. He was currently making his way to Olivia's house after a long day filming a difficult video which he suspects has affected Olivia greater than she lets on. Keith taking up most of Olivia's time has made it more difficult for him to check up on her at work.

The text worried him but he was thankful for the fact that Courtney finally left Olivia's house and moved into her new place. It made it easier for them to spend time alone together with Damien now rooming with Shayne.

Shayne entered Olivia's code and slowly entered her place. There was an eerie quietness around the apartment with no sign of Olivia in the kitchen or living room.

"Olivia?" Shayne called out softly.

With no answer Shayne made his way up the stairs and saw a soft light coming from underneath the door to the bathroom.

"Olivia?" Shayne questioned while gently rapping on the door. 

He entered the bathroom after Olivia's approval and was met with the sight of her having a bubble bath with her hair in a high bun. 

"You had me worried there for a minute Olivia" Shayne chuckled softly.

"I just needed to relax after today, long day and all" She said.

The sight of Olivia made his heart ache, she looked exhausted and sad. He did the only thing he could think of at the moment.

"I guess you're joining me then?" Olivia questioned with her eyebrows raised. 

He ignored her comment and continued to undress, leaving his clothes on the floor before hopping in the bath the opposite side of her. Shayne reached under the water and grabbed her hands, bringing them to his mouth and lightly kissing the back of them.

"Talk to me babe, what's wrong?" He asked.

There was a moment of silence between the pair. Shayne released her hands from his and brushed a stray piece of hair behind her ear. Olivia looked down and started drawing shapes in the water.

"This past video hit close to home and dug up some memories, It's just taking some time to deal with" She said.

Shayne thought back to the drunken night where Olivia confessed about things in her life, past and present, to Shayne. It was hard to listen to what some of her friends made her endure. He just wished she'd told him earlier. He hates that he couldn't be there for her sooner.

"You know you're not alone in dealing with this, right? I'm here for you Olivia, always" He said.

It was now Olivia's turn to make contact with Shayne. She reached her hands to his shoulders before softly caressing his face. 

"Hey, I know you're always there for me and I'm sorry if it seems like I'm shutting you out, but honestly Shayne, I'm fine" She said.

These words brought Shayne back to their conversation after they finished filming the video. Olivia definitely wasn't fine then and he didn't think she was now. He let it slide for now, wanting to enjoy this moment with her without pushing her to speak to him. There'd be time for that later. 

"So, who's gonna be the chair?" Shayne questioned a while later, amused.

"I... what?" She asked.

"Are you coming over here or am I coming over there?" He asked.

Olivia chuckled, understanding what he means before making her way over to his side. A few minutes of rearranging led to Olivia laying with her back against Shayne's chest, her head resting on his shoulder. 

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