
219 11 4

Set in winter games

The night was getting long and Shayne was pretty sure he was the only one awake in the cabin. Silence was filling the room, apart from the soft snores coming from the girl asleep on the couch and the quiet buzz from the TV as it played some movie, Shayne didn't really know.

It had started out with all of them fighting over getting a spot in one of the couches, as Wes was putting in the movie but as one movie turned into two and two turned into three they one by one started going into bed until it was just him and Olivia left. Neither of the two were really watching the movie at this point. They were mostly just talking about who knows what, laughing at each others bad jokes and debating whether they should raid the kitchen while the others were asleep. They'd continued like that until Olivia met her limit and fell asleep on the couch.

Shayne had been sitting in his chair ever since, shifting his eyes between her and the screen until his eyes finally stilled on her. It wasn't that he was watching her sleep really, he was just caught up in a train of thoughts and couldn't be bothered to move his eyes.

He'd always enjoyed talking to Olivia. Ever since the day he joined Smosh. They never really spoke of anything important, they just talked and they could keep on talking for hours. That's what he liked about Olivia. He never had to worry about running out of things to say, because if he did, Olivia would just start speaking of something different.

He also just liked her, for her. Her humor was incredibly weird, but somehow she always managed to make him laugh at it anyway.
Quite frankly, she was a pretty amazing person. In Shayne's opinion at least.

Shayne continued to ponder, never once moving his eyes from the sleeping frame. She look cute like that. Normally she would have a huge smile on her face while yelling out jokes to the people who would listen or making weird faces at a camera, and while that still would be considered cute, right now she just looked peaceful. No grimace or act for the camera. No, right now she was just Olivia in a completely natural form and to be honest, Shayne kinda liked natural Olivia.

"You're being kinda creepy dude" A voice suddenly spoke. 

Shayne was practically yanked out of his thoughts and if it hadn't been for the fact that he was sitting down he probably would've jumped a few feet into the air. He whipped his head around finding it to be Keith. Keith gave a quiet chuckle as he walked past the sitting area and into the kitchen.

"I thought you'd gone to bed" Shayne mumbled after him. 

He made sure he wasn't speaking too loudly.

"I had, but I got thirsty" Keith said reaching for a glass.

Shayne replied with a small nod and silence filled the room as Keith filled his glass. Shayne found himself looking back at Olivia, telling himself it was to make sure she hadn't been woken up. A few moments passed in silence as Keith drank the water and refilled the glass.

"You should just tell her you know" Keith finally said causing Shayne to move his eyes away from Olivia once again.

Again silence was the immediate answer but eventually Shayne spoke up. 

"I don't know what you're talking about" He said.

Keith let out a burst of laughter making Shayne cringe from how loud it was compared to how quiet the room had been since Olivia had fallen asleep.

Shaylivia -- One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now