Changes Over Time

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Olivia finally realizes what it is that she wants

- For @anime4lifem8-

3rd Person:

Shayne had successfully managed to pull Olivia away from the group and into an empty corridor of the office.

"What is so important that it couldn't wait until we were done working today?" Olivia asked leaning against the wall.

"Sorry, I just needed to get this off of my chest before it was too late" He said.

She gave him an expectant look filled with pure curiosity. Shayne was one of her best friends so it was weird for her to not know what was eating him up at the moment.

"You know how much I care for you Olivia" He began.

"Of course" Olivia replied smiling.

That damn smile is part of what got Shayne into this mess.

"I think it has become more than that, I'm in love with you Olivia, everyday with you is pure bliss and everyday without you seems to drag on-" Shayne said.

"Wait Shayne-" She tried to interject.

"I needed you to be aware of my feelings" He said.

".... Ok, listen... I appreciate you telling me this but I'm with Sam and you know this, I see you as my best friend and confidant, I just can't return your feelings even if I wanted to" Olivia said cautiously. 

If there was a hopeful look on Shayne's face, it had fallen now and revealed a more solemn expression. The air had been sucked right out of the room after his confession and her subsequent rejection. Although it had not been a cold and bitter rejection, one of the worst possibilities, it was still a rejection nonetheless.

"........ Ok" Shayne said after a minutes silence.

His eyes were glued to the ground as he could not bear to look at Olivia's face.

"Shayne, I need to know that we can still be friends after this" She said.

"... What? Oh, yeah, sure" He said with his voice laced with noncommittal.

She pondered whether or not how to best comfort him before deciding to give his bicep a soft yet assuring squeeze to let him know it was okay. Once the sensation of her touch was gone, so was she and Shayne was left all alone in that hallway that now seemed way more small than it had been a couple minutes ago. 

-1 Week Later-

"Have you guys seen Shayne? He was supposed to drop off something for me today" Damien asked aloud.

Sat around him at the table was Noah, Keith and Olivia. They were taking a break from filming and just hanging out in the lounge together. Well more so they were scrolling through their phones while giving the occasional acknowledgement to the friend beside them.

"Nah, haven't seen him" Noah said.

Keith shook his head no before going back to his phone. Olivia glanced up but didn't say anything so Damien just assumed that she hadn't. Not sensing that anything strange was going on with him, Damien decided to send him a text letting him know that he would swing by after work and pick it up. 

As Damien went to grab a bag of chips from the kitchen, his phone dinged with the promise of a new message. He pulled it out of his pocket and saw that it was from Shayne saying that he was outside. Deciding to get the food later, Damien made his way outside to meet his friend. Shayne was leaning against his car in the parking lot when he saw him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2020 ⏰

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