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Things get a little competitive after a spin the bottle episode


"And you have the sweetest eyes" Olivia and I sang.

"I love you" We both finished singing.

Courtney, Joven and Noah clapped while we all laughed. Olivia and I posed before sitting back on the couch for the next person's turn. As we continued the game, I couldn't help but glance at Olivia every now and then, I don't know why.

Time skip...

"That's a wrap" Josh, our director, said.

"Finally, I'm famished" Courtney exaggerated.

"I know a great burger place down the road" Joven offered.

"You paying?" Noah asked.

I stopped listening when I got a text message from Damien. He was mad about something his cat did. I texted him back before seeing Olivia drop her phone. I swiftly picked it up off the carpet and handed it to her.

"Thanks, I guess my hands stopped working" She joked.

"Your hands were real clammy during our duet" I teased Olivia.

"They were not!" She argued back.

"It's almost like you were nervous or something" I continued.

"Me? Why would I be nervous? Everyone knows I have the voice of an angel" She said.

"No way, I carried us through the song" I stated.

"In your dreams, I was definitely the lead vocalist" Olivia said.

"Oh yeah? let's ask Courtney who she thinks would win season 6 of the voice" I said.

"Fine, we already know who she's gonna say anyway" She said smirking.

"Courtney, who-" I began to say but then stopped.

Olivia and I looked around the room and saw that everyone had left but us and Josh.

"Where did they go?" Olivia asked aloud.

"Oh, everyone left while you guys were bickering over something" Josh said shrugging.

"Well now how do we settle it?" I said.

Olivia and I looked at Josh expectantly.

"Nope, I'm not getting in the middle of this" He said shaking his head before walking out.

The door shut behind him and soon it was just Olivia and I in the room alone.

"I know" I said holding a finger up.

"What?" She asked.

"We can do the duet again, but this time, we do our parts separate" I proposed.

"Ah, so we can see who's better" Olivia said corssing her arms.

"Exactly" I responded.

Mind you, this argument wasn't at all serious. Olivia and I argued like this all the time. Part of our friendship was built on annoying and challenging each other. This was just us messing around again.

"You are my heart" I began.

"And I love walking with you" Olivia sang.

"On the street" I sang.

"And you have the sweetest eyes" She sang.

"And I love you" We both sang.

We finished and looked at each other. Already we could tell what the other was going to say.

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