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Shayne and Olivia reflect on their gift to the world.


"You know, the first time I ever saw your mom, I was completely amazed with her, she walked into the room full of confidence and my attention shot to her, like no one has ever captured my attention the way your mother did, I hope you get that courage to do anything with that much confidence, anyway, when I saw her that first time I could see nothing else but her and it's been like that ever since, until now" Shayne said softly.

"Somehow I don't think she'll mind sharing my attention with you" He said.

I stifled a laugh as I watched my husband sitting on a chair next to my hospital bed, with our hours old daughter in his arms, talking to her while she watched him with her big eyes like she already knew exactly who he was. I had just woken up to what I thought was definitely my new favorite sight in the world.

"I can't wait to take you home, your mom and I decorated your room, well your mom and your aunt Courtney did, I just watched, it's pink and purple and all the stuff that your mom loves, I let her go crazy with it because she gets so excited and also she was really scary when you were still in her belly, I hope that now that you're out we go back to normal" Shayne said whispering the last part.

I rolled my eyes, his attention was fully on our daughter so I kept as still as I could, just wanting to watch him with our baby thinking that no one could hear.

"Your mom loves make up and fashion and pretty things that I am hopeless with, I know you'll probably like that stuff too and she's going to teach you so much but I'm hoping you'll like your clueless dad enough that you want to spend time with me and we find something that's just ours" He said.

At this I smiled, my daughter was going to be the biggest daddy's girl, I could already see her following Shayne around everywhere wanting to know what he's doing and wanting to do whatever he was doing with him. There's going to be so much that's going to be just theirs.

"There's a little crib that you're going to sleep in, it was mine when I was a baby, your grandfather pulled it out of storage somewhere when he found out about you and he helped me restore it, he's so excited, you'll meet him later, I don't know what you're going to call him, probably gramps but he insists that he's the cool grandpa" Shayne said tilting his head down carefully to touch his nose to hers.

I smiled, thinking back to when I was pregnant and he would bump his nose to my belly because he was giving her an Eskimo kiss and here he was with her in his arms giving her an actual Eskimo kiss.

"The crib doesn't match your room at all but your mom insisted that we keep it, she loves it when I do things for you even when it goes horribly wrong" He said.

I almost snorted, no, that crib did not match the room at all, the interior decorator that I had helping me almost threw a fit but while normal Olivia was scary, a pregnant Olivia was apparently terrifying and no one said anything after I said that it stays, they could add something to it to make it work.

"Speaking of your grandparents, they are on their way back to the hospital to see you again, you were asleep after they cleaned you up earlier so hopefully you open your pretty eyes for them when they get here" Shayne said.

Our daughter reached out an arm to brush against his chin and Shayne smiled, bringing up a finger for her to wrap her tiny hand around and my heart melted at the sight. 

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