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Olivia asks Shayne a question


"Alright, that's a wrap on eat it or yeet it" Garret said.

Some crew members started to clean up the mess that was left on the floor and the table while we got up from our seats. Keith and Noah had managed to get easy food, chocolate and grilled cheese this episode. However, Shayne, Mari and I got stuck with the bad options.

Mari had somehow managed to get down a donut covered in crickets. I got thick water and immediately threw it up. Shayne probably got the easiest worst food, chips with sand on them.

Keith was grabbing his charger from the corner of the room while talking with Courtney. I saw a spot of food on my jacket and went to get a paper towel before seeing they weren't on the table anymore. A tap on my shoulder made me turn around to see Shayne holding the roll.

"Looking for these, Olivia?" He asked.

"Yeah, thanks" I said taking one.

I wiped my jacket off and threw away the paper.

"So got any plans?" Shayne said.

"Not really, just gonna go home to my crystals and rice" I said nonchalantly.

"Only you Olivia" He said smiling while gently shaking his head.

Courtney announced she was leaving and said goodbye to everyone. I gave her a quick hug and told her I'd see her next time.

"Don't forget coffee this weekend Liv" She said holding up her pointer finger.

"But of course" I said smiling.

Courtney said bye again before jetting off to her place. Something about some game called Skyrim if I remember.

Shayne was busy talking on his phone but Keith and Noah were in the middle of a conversation that seemed interesting so I decided to join them.

"I'm telling you man, Beyoncé is part of the Illuminati" Noah insisted.

"You're doing too much with this one" Keith said.

"I don't think she's part of the Illuminati" I said interjecting.

Keith and Noah both looked at me. Keith with a look of gratitude and Noah with a look as though he was being challenged.

"Olivia when are you gonna change out of that jumpsuit?" Keith asked reffering to my purple suit.

"I swear I was gonna change for the video but I forgot" I said.

"Ok but back to the important conversation, Beyoncé is definitely part of the Illuminati" Noah said.

"What proof do you even have?" Keith asked bewildered.

"Well, I know because Jay Z is part of the Illuminati as well duh" Noah stated.

Keith and I looked at each other.

"Is he serious right now Liv Liv?" Keith asked.

"I think he is" I replied grinning.

I decided to leave right before Keith and Noah got into it again.

"See you later Liv" Noah said before turning back to confront Keith.

I gently waved goodbye to the both of them. As I got my purse and phone, I walked out the door and towards the front. I passed through the halls and said goodbye the crew on my way out. Even though we moved to Mythical and got some new crew members they were all always so nice. Part of me missed some of the old people but I still kept in contact with them.

Shaylivia -- One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now