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Olivia starts to suspect Shayne of being unfaithful


It's late when he rolls out of bed, trying carefully not to wake me. He cautiously crosses the room and with a click of the door, he's gone. I force my eyes open to look at the clock. The red LED blinks 1:45 AM as if mocking me. My eyes squeeze shut as I try to stop the tears from falling, like many nights before. For the past three months, this has been a regular occurrence. He wakes up in the middle of the night, disappears for hours and sneaks back into bed smelling like other women's perfume. Two long hours later, the bed dips slightly as he settles underneath the covers, wrapping a solid arm around me. He places a gentle kiss on my forehead and I stiffen. He smells like vanilla and lilies, different from yesterday's scent of lavender. How many different women has he been with?

"Olivia.. did I wake you?" Shayne whispers.

I don't respond, pretending to be asleep. His arms, the ones that I once found comforting, feel like heavy weights against my body.

Time skip...

I walk into the kitchen where Shayne is flipping pancakes. Hearing my footsteps, he turns around and his face immediately brightens. 

"Hey you" He says grinning adorably and pulling me close to him. 

I can't help it, I melt into his touch even though I know it should repulse me. His damp hair indicates that he took a shower, but I still can't get the scent of vanilla and lilies out of my head.

"I made you breakfast" He says.

He nods at the table where a plate of pancakes, sausage rounds and eggs are waiting for me. He already put ketchup on the eggs, just the way I like them, even though I know he finds it disgusting. I smile at the gesture in spite of myself.

"Thanks"I said. 

I force myself from his grip and walk over to the table, where he joins me a few moments later.

"You've got a bit of ketchup right there..." Shayne said.

I reach for a tissue, but he's already leaning over, his gaze concentrated on my face. He wipes at the corner of my mouth with the pad of his thumb and my breath catches. My lips tingle where he brushed against them and I feel myself getting angry. Even his smallest touch makes my mind go blank and I momentarily hate him for making me feel like this. His face is so close to mine that I can feel his breath heating my face. I'm overwhelmed by the urge to tilt my head up to kiss him, but instead I jerk away. I don't miss the flash of surprise that flickers across his face.

"I'm sorry, I'm not that hungry right now" I say as I pick up my half-eaten plate of food.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asks with a concerned gaze.

"I'm fine, I guess I ate too much last night" I lied.

The lie slips easily past my lips and I wonder if it's as easy for him to lie to me.

"Alright" He said nodding uncertainly. 

"Let me know if you're not feeling well" Shayne says.

I watch as he clears his plate and picks up his bag. Even in these small actions, his movements seem confident.

"I forgot to tell you, I'm uh, working late tonight" I hear him say. 

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