Wedding V2

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In this version Olivia is a runaway bride.


Lost. I feel lost, like I'm in a dream. I've been dreaming about this for years now, I've spent months planning this and now, as I'm walking down the aisle, with my father by my side, I can't think of a moment when this felt right.

It's like I'm living through somebody else, this is someones dream, but it's not mine. My heart is telling me to turn around, to run off with the one person I should be getting married to. But my brain is telling me to not do that, that this is what I really want. This is exactly where I'm supposed to be.

Partly yes. A few months ago, this day was everything I could think of, counting down the days and feeling happy as I looked at my engagement ring. I was so sure, sure about this and sure about Sam. But then something changed, well, rather someone came back into the picture, and showed me why this was so wrong.

Why this isn't the wedding I want, and why Sam isn't the love of my life, and that I've just been fooling myself into believing so. I knew. I always knew, but I ignored it, and that's how I found myself in this situation where there's no escaping anymore.

It makes it even harder that the reason for all my doubts, is sitting in the front row, watching me as I step closer and closer, his eyes telling me to not do this.

”We can run away. We can be happy, Liv.” Shayne's voice echoes through my mind.

I held the boquét of flowers tight to my chest. 

”It was always supposed to be us. You know this, I know this, fuck, even Sam knows it.”

I know, that just one glance at Shayne and I'll throw the flowers, grab his hand and run out of the church with him, I'll live my life happily ever after. But when I'm at the end of the aisle, and my eyes meet Sam, I feel frozen.

I've never seen him smile as big as he is right now, I've never seen his eyes so big and.. Full of life. They're shining. I remembers how dark and empty his eyes used to look back when we first started to date, and I don't want to be the reason as to why he's happier. But I know I am.

I also know that turning around and leaving him here, will kill him. He'll never be the same, and his eyes will never look like this ever again.

”You look beautiful.” Sam mouths at me.

I feel my heart skip a beat.

It feels so wrong. How could something I thought I wanted for so long, feel this wrong and bad for me? Why can't I stop thinking about Shayne being the one here instead of him?

I smile softly at him, my eyes are looking down at the flowers and it's the first time I notices how badly I'm shaking.

”I never stopped loving you and I never will.”

I have to know, is Shayne sitting in the front row? Or is this wedding too painful for him?

I take a deep breath, before taking a look over my shoulder, and this time I feel like my heart has dropped to the ground, because Shayne's seat is empty. He's not there, he couldn't stand the thought of me marrying another man, that wasn't him.

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