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Shayne visits Olivia late at night

Olivia hears the sound of knuckles knocking against her door at a quarter past nine. The sound causes heat to wind around her rib cage, touching against her heart with flames. The heat spreads from her face to her hips and she swallows, carefully making her way towards the door. Through the window she can Shayne's outline, his messy hair and broad shoulders stark against the darkness of the outside world. 

She carefully opens the door to let him in, her eyes glinting like those of a cat whose spotted prey. As soon as she opens the door, Shayne walks in, dressed in only a pair of black pajama pants and a white t-shirt. She's confused at the sadness that is his expression. She follows him into her bedroom where they stand.

Olivia is just as overjoyed now by his presence as she was hours earlier whenever Shayne had been here, wrapped up in her and the sheets of her small bed in her bedroom. Shayne and Olivia had been in an on and off friends with benefits relationship that had consisted over the past six months. The idea came to fruition after an emotional night spent at Shayne's apartment, soaked to the bone from the rain that had poured outside. It had become a thing quicker than she had imagined and whoever had stayed over made sure to sneak out afterwards so that one of their friends wouldn't see them. Now, back in the present, Olivia tilts her head to the side at Shayne, her hand laying loosely on her hip.

Shayne licks his lips, smooths a hand over his face, while the other runs through his hair. After a short exhale, he spoke. 

"We need to talk," He informs her quietly. 

There it is. 

Olivia's eyebrows snap together and her mouth twitches, eyes on his. 

"About what? Is everything okay?" She asks.

Shayne's shoulders slump, causing him to cast a defeated glance in any direction but hers. The look on his face reminds her of times she spent comforting him after his breakup. Or such as the time that Olivia never got a callback for the gig she wanted and Shayne spent the day cheering her up.

Oh, what Olivia would give to go back to those times. Now, it's a constant trial of hiding, hands roaming against hips and grazing lips behind closed doors. 

"Us, I - I don't know, No, I don't think everything is okay," He responds, taking a step forward with his hands shaking lightly. 

Even though she can detect what his body language means easily, trying to understand what he's trying to express is a much more difficult task. 

"Did I do something wrong? If I did, please don't hesitate to tell me, I - " Olivia rambles. 

Shayne shakes his head, huffing underneath his breath nosily. 

"No. I don't think it's you, It's mostly me more than anything, It's this relationship, I feel's one sided" He vocalizes. 

Olivia's lips tug into a frown, her eyes narrowing in confusion. 

"One sided, what do you mean?" She interrogated.

His forehead crinkles up, the lines appearing out of stress. 

"I don't understand, what we have... it's just supposed to be strictly friends with benefits and if I've done something to hurt you, I want to know. You can tell me anything" Olivia said.

Shayne shakes his head rapidly, as if he's trying to shake the thoughts out of his head. However, it seems like the struggle to do so is immense. 

"Were not just friends and you fucking know it" He snaps. 

Olivia's eyes glisten, her heart leaping into her throat. 

"What are you talking about?" She fires back.

Shayne paces around, one hand clasped around the roots of his hair, pulling in his frustration.

"Friends don't do what we do, friends don't stay to cuddle after sex or come over whenever one of them can't sleep to get in that person's bed, friends don't constantly almost kiss each other" He explains, his eyes widening as he says each word. 

He almost seems frantic in his words, his chest rising and falling. 

"Why are you saying this?" She splutters.

Shayne pinches at the bridge of his nose, looking pained as he speaks. 

"Because I love you! I love you, Olivia, I've loved you all along, I kept fighting it, every time, I kept telling myself that what I feel for you, is just platonic, that I love you as a friend, there was always going to be a part of me that loved you, please understand that" He begins.

"And ever since we started this, this, thing, my feelings get stronger for you ever day, I keep thinking about telling you 'I love you', that you say it back, that we don't have to give a shit about what other people think and that they'll just be happy for us, about being able to wake up next to you, this may ruin everything but at the risk of it, I'm telling you and I don't want you to feel forced to say it back but I do" Shayne finishes.

Olivia's hand comes up to cover her mouth, her eyes glittering with a whirlwind of emotions, warm tears trickling down her cheeks, her lips parted as a ragged sob escaped her. 

"Shayne you really think I don't love you? Of course I do, I've been wanting this, for you to say that you love me the way I love you, to be able to be with you, whenever this started, I was so happy, even if it wasn't exactly what I wanted, it was enough for me" She whispered. 

Suddenly she's in his arms and suddenly Shayne's kissing her and it feels like all the colors and sounds are fading from existence, his lips soft and tender against hers, a breath of against her lips, electric sparks shooting down her spine. He pulls back, resting his forehead against hers before kissing the corners of her lips, the middle, and then her cheek, tasting the salt of her tears.

"Olivia, will you be my girlfriend?" Shayne croaks out, his voice filled with urgency, softened with affection

"Yes, of course I will dummy" Olivia said.

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