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Olivia and Shayne were friends since the beginning


When they met, Shayne quickly became Olivia's first friend, they became inseparable so fast that it may have been a bit alarming; they could hardly stand a minute without each other.

"Why does science homework have to take so long?" I complained letting my folder fall onto my stomach. 

I was laying back on my bed, sprawled out like an octopus, which didn't leave Shayne a lot of room but he managed. Even if he was falling off the edge.

"Don't ask me, I would never do science homework." Shayne said only half-joking. 

He looked over at the worksheet I had been working on and made a face. I rolled my eyes but found myself laughing anyway. Shayne could always make me laugh, he'd always had that ability.

"I know that, but some of us have a very strict mother to please" I pointed out.

Shayne nodded because he knew what I meant. Ms. Sui was not an easy woman to handle. That's why I liked hanging out at Shayne's house, but today after he had walked me home we had just stayed.

"Yeah, but forget that, we've never let her stop us from having an adventure" Shayne said nudging my shoulder with his own from where he lay beside me. 

He was still slowly slipping off the edge so I grabbed his arm to keep him steady.

"You're right about that, so where does our adventure lead us today?" I asked tilting my head to look over at him as he pretended to mull it over. 

I already knew what he was going to say.

"How about Chick-Fil-A?" Shayne suggested. 

Like we didn't go there just about every day. Like we didn't always share a strawberry milkshake and fries over the table. Some things just never changed. 

"That's the best idea you have had all day" I said with a smile. 

I let go of his arm as she said so, letting him fall off the edge of my bed. He fell, an unceremonious thunk sounding through the room when he hit the ground. I looked down at him, biting my lip to keep from laughing. 

"Oops" I said.

"You're gonna pay for that." Shayne said with a groan.

I raise my eyebrows. 

"Literally, you're buying our milkshake" He said.

"And here I was thinking that you were a gentleman" I said looking down at him shaking my head.

So really it was a given that he became her first best friend soon after they met.

"Mrs. Topp told me that Shayne wasn't feeling well and she was letting him sleep in" I said when Noah asked me where Shayne was.

"Great, now can we talk about the heart shaped elephant in the room?" Noah asked setting down his lunch tray on their table. 

My eyes flickered up to Noah and then back down to my food. I pushed my fork against the mashed potatoes on my tray.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said tilting my head to the side. 

Shaylivia -- One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now