Eight Months

519 8 6

Shayne comes home to a disaster in the kitchen.

3rd Person:

Shayne Topp whistled as he unlocked the door to his apartment. He pushed the door open and came to a complete stop, blinking at the smoke filling the room and batting at it with his hands.

"Olivia?" He called trying his hardest not to panic.

The door shut behind him and he flung open a window closest to him before racing through the place to find the source of the smoke and hopefully his unharmed wife who should have been home by now. He let out a sigh of relief when he got to the kitchen to find the burnt cookies on the counter still smoking and his wife sitting on the floor, with flour smeared across her cheeks and forehead, staring up at them dismally. Shayne didn't say anything, he just walked over to her and slid down against the cabinet until he was sitting next to her. She waited until the rest of the smoke wafted out of the kitchen before laying the side of her head onto his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

This was not like her, Olivia Topp did not bake neither had she ever attempted to bake sweets.

"I burnt them all" She told him with a hitch in her voice. 

He was surprised at the tone of her voice. The only thing that Olivia did less than bake was cry, it was always a jarring experience for him when she turned emotional, he was the emotional one between them.

"It's ok, we can make a new batch" He soothed.

He turned so he could peer into her face and see the tears beginning to form in her eyes as she stared straight ahead. 

"Olivia, why were you baking?" Shayne asked.

"I wanted to surprise you" She said picking her head of his shoulder. 

She wiped her eyes hastily, frustrated at the amused look on his face. 

"You don't get it, I feel useless for not being able to do something as stupid as this" Olivia said.

"Wait, woah, babe" Shayne said. 

The amusement dropped off his face as he stood with her grabbing her shoulders and turning her to him. 

"You are not useless, baking is all experience and patience, you just gotta do it a couple times" He said.

"The recipe was the easiest thing I have ever read, 5 ingredients, mix it together and stuff it in the oven, all I had to do was take them out at the correct time" Olivia  yelled frustrated. 

She let out a groan and tipped her head up to look at the ceiling. 

"I just can't do anything right" She said.

"Did something happen at work?" Shayne asked which only seemed to piss her off more. 

It would definitely be in his best interest to keep the PMS question to himself. 

"You don't get emotional over baking, it's just a couple of cookies, nothing else burnt down, no-one got hurt but we should probably get those smoke detectors checked out because they didn't detect anything" He said.

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