Spring Break

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The gang goes on a trip for spring break

3rd Person:

"It's Spring Break bitches!" Courtney and Keith shouted in unison before heading up the stairs leading to the private plane. 

The rest of the squad followed behind them smiling. It was finally that time of the year again when all of the scripts and rehearsals were traded for beach, sand and fun. The gang was getting ready to head to Cabo San Lucas for the week thanks to Rhett and Link.

"So Ian how exactly did you get Rhett and Link to pay for this trip again?" Olivia asked.

She moved to grab her bag from the car, however, Shayne beat her to it, sending her a quick smile. She winked at him, falling into step with Ian as they headed towards the jet.

"Let's just say Link owes me, and this is just the repayment, I thought it'd be nice to get my friends and I out of town for a bit" Ian said.

"Well I think it'll be fun, I've never been to Cabo before, plus I can work on my Spanish while we're there" Olivia stated as they headed up the stairs.

Once in the plane, Olivia settled in a window seat across from where Courtney and Damien were sitting. Noah and Shayne were the last to get on as Noah sat next to Ian, and Shayne took the empty spot next to Olivia.

"I'm so excited" Courtney told them clapping her hands together. 

"I can't believe we're going to Mexico" She said.

"How'd you convince your family to let you go on this trip?" Damien asked her. 

He moved to buckle up after the pilot announced that they would be taking off within the next two minutes. The others followed suit.

"Oh, I just told my mom that me, Olivia and the other girls were going on a girls' trip. She didn't suspect anything after that" Courtney explained as the plane slowly began to move heading towards the strip.

Olivia smiled at her, she essentially told her mom the same thing, her mom seemed to buy it, but she was pretty sure she knew she wasn't telling the whole truth. Olivia turned to look at her boyfriend Shayne. He was unusually quiet, and looking at him, she could tell he was nervous.

"You okay babe?" Olivia asked rubbing his arm.

"Take off just makes me nervous is all" Shayne told her as he gripped the armrest a little tighter in anticipation. 

Olivia gave him a sympathetic smile giving his arm a light squeeze. She quickly grabbed her phone out of her bag along with her headphones as she began searching through her music.

"Wanna hear a song I found the other day? It reminded me of  you" Olivia said.

Shayne nodded trying not to think about how the plane was starting to move faster. Olivia handed him her headphones, and he put them on as the song began to play. She turned to look out the window as she patiently waited for Shayne to finish listening to the song. She hoped he liked it. Olivia heard it about a month ago, but she hadn't been ready to play it for him just yet. The lyrics gave off a vulnerability that she never really liked to show, and even though she knew she could be herself with Shayne, there was still a part of her that always made her second guess herself. Soon the plane was up in the air, and they were flying smoothly. Everyone seemed to be caught up in their own little worlds relaxing for the two hour ride they had ahead of them. Shayne turned to his girlfriend as he finished listening to the song. His nervousness about takeoff had been long forgotten as the singing filled his ears. He gently nudged her, and her gaze moved from the view outside the window to him. Shayne removed the headphones smiling at her.

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