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Olivia joins Shayne for a basketball game


I don't know what possessed me to think that this would be a good idea. Basketball was a tall and athletic person's sport, yet here I was, my short self, attempting to steal the ball from my taller boyfriend. I reason it's Shayne's fault. What had happened was, the boys had decided to devote another hour of their time to play basketball. According to Keith, it was "so close and we need to show Smosh games how to properly play basketball". Olivia rolled her eyes at this, not understanding their need for rivalries. However, I was nothing if not an understanding girlfriend, so despite myself, I told Shayne I'd stay. He was my ride home anyway. Now, while I loved seeing Shayne shirtless, I quickly grew tired of watching them play. The game was tied for the past 20 minutes and from what I could gather it would stay like that. For every basket Shayne made, Damien shot one too. Noah managed a three pointer? Wes responded with free throws.

"Shayne!" I yelled.

"Yeah babe?" He asked loudly, focused on dribbling the ball.

"I'm bored and this game isn't going anywhere" I said.

"Well, Olivia, if you think you can make a difference why don't you come relieve some of the boredom?" Damien challenged.

"No, thank you," I responded coolly.

"What, you afraid to get dirty?" Keith snarked.

"I only let one sweaty Smosh man near me, so no thanks" I retaliated.

My jab at Keith made Shayne laugh. I made no moves to join them and this for some reason motivated the team on to involve me as they began chanting.

"Sui! Sui! Sui!" They chanted.

In response all I did was lift my right eyebrow. It was silent way of me asking, really, did you honestly think that would work? But then Shayne looked at me, with his golden eyes and soft smile.

"C'mon Liv, one game?" He asked.

And in less than a minute, I was making my way onto the court in my yoga pants and long sleeve shirt.

"Olivia, you can play on the Smosh games side, they need all the help they can get," Noah commented.

This earned a glare from them and a pat on the back from Keith. I took my position, to the front left of Shayne, with the ball in my hands. One of the guys imitated the sound of a whistle and I immediately surveyed my options, I opted for a bounce pass to Wes since he was the closest and an overhead pass wasn't exactly realistic.

"Nice pass" Shayne whispered, moving past me.

His breath was still hot on my ear when I saw that it had been a turnover. Keith currently had possession, dribbling the ball as he weighed his options. He passed it to Noah who gave a chest pass to Shayne. Shayne bounced the ball swiftly, eyes focused solely on me trying to intercept the ball. Every time I moved to take it, it was in the other hand.

"You know, you should put your hair up more often, it looks cute" He said.

"I'm glad you like it, do you like this?" I asked.

I pulled my shirt downwards, revealing more skin. Shayne was so fixated on the action that before I even showed him anything risque, the ball was out of his hands and in mine.

"What the hell Shayne?" Keith yelled.

Shayne gave a sheepish smile and a shrug. My team got a basket in, and everyone congratulated me on my assist.

"The game isn't over yet" Keith said.

I could tell he was a little bitter because he was so competitive. A trait he and I had in common, since I was determined to do anything to win. Especially after hearing my side cheer me on. Joven got the ball dribbling before giving an overhead pass to Damien, I shouted that I was open and he replied with a very impressive back pass to me.

"You're guarding me really intensely babe, scared your girlfriend is gonna show you up?" I teased.

"Ooh, competitive are we?" Shayne asked

He moved from side to side on his toes. I faked a pass to the left but he knew me too well, and was on me in an instant, this time hovering over my back.

"Shayne what are you doing?" I asked.

I could feel his mouth on my neck.

"You're not the only one that can play dirty" He said into my neck.

I was so caught up in not letting him distract me that I moved away from him with the ball in both my hands.

"TRAVELLING!" Noah shouted. 

He was happy to take the ball from me. Noah attempted a shot but it bounced off the rim, and it landed in the hands of Joven who lost possession to Keith. Keith passed it to Shayne, who smirked devilishly at me before shooting from the three point line.

"That was cute" I mused.

"Cute huh? Not hot? Just cute?" He teased.

"Like I said, cute" I deadpanned.

I used this distraction to steal possession from an unsuspecting Keith and land a successful free throw. The game continued with Shayne and I committing all sorts of little fouls, saying and doing inappropriate (albeit sexy) things to each other on the court. Keith lost it when Shayne was about to make a shot and I tickled him.


"Keith, it's just a friendly" Noah said.

"Yeah, it's been an hour anyway, we can call it a game."  Damien said.

"We're in the lead so yeah, time!" Keith said.

Shayne was still red in the face from being ticked and I was as well from the game.

"I've always wanted to make a slam dunk" I said.

 He wrapped his arms around me, over my shoulders.

"Well today's your lucky day then," He responded.

He crouched down and instructed me to get on his shoulders.

"Nope, I don't want to die." I said.

"Do you trust me?" He asked.

"No?" I said.

The look he gives me made me roll my eyes, and despite it, I swing my legs over the sides of his neck. Shayne gets up, one hand holding my leg, the other the ball.

"Make the shot Liv" He says.

He hands me the ball and I make  the shot, hanging onto the rim for emphasis. Shayne grips my waist, and I let go sliding down the length of his body till our lips meet.

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