Night Off

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As a husband and dad, sometimes Shayne feels like he's missing out on so many of the things his friends are doing. Not to get it wrong, Shayne loves spending a night in with his girls or watching their little one crawl around the house but it is nice to throw in a guys night every once in a while. So once he finds out Noah and Keith are hitting up a nearby bar, he convinces Olivia to let him join them.

"But babe, I was gonna make gnocchi and we were going to watch Modern Family reruns" She protests.

"I know, but I was thinking we could do that tomorrow night" He attempts.

But it's making it very challenging while he looks at his two favorite humans in the world. Their ten month old Chloe is babbling to herself as Olivia holds her on her hip. The little girl is dressed in adorable pink printed footie pajamas and she's got a death grip on her mom's hair.

"I mean, I guess we can, I was just looking forward to some family time" Olivia sais sighing.

Chloe drops her pacifier and bursts into tears. Before Olivia even has a chance to get it, Shayne squats down to pick it up. Closing the gap between them, he rubs the top of his daughter's head sweetly before handing the pacifier back to her.

"Dada" Chloe mumbles.

Her tears are all dried up and replaced with a wide smile to match her Dad's.

"See Chloe? All better" Olivia said and plants a kiss to her cheek.

"I know you want me to stay Olivia and it's hard to leave when you two are being the most adorable things in the world, but I could really use some time with my friends" Shayne pleads once again.

"Okay" Olivia caves.

"It's not fair for you to have to stay home when all your friends are out" She said.

"Thank you, thank you" Shayne smiles.

He leans in for a kiss that she blows off.

"But you owe me one and I bought wine and made a trip to Victoria's Secret, just so you know" She comments.

He knows she's indirectly trying to get him to stay and he feels bad but at the same time he needs this break from their nightly routine.

"As sad as I am to be missing out on that, I think we might just have to reschedule on the mommy and daddy time" Shayne smirks making his wife roll her eyes.

"Look at me" Olivia says holding onto his arm tightly.

'Don't drive home if you've had even any alcohol, don't do anything stupid, and please call me if something's wrong" She asks.

Her eyes actually have a look of worry.

"I promise, babe" He said. 

He pulls her into a tight hug, running his hands through her long hair to comfort her. 

"You be good for mommy Chloe"Shayne said.

The little girl smiles up at her dad with the most adorable look, they truly made the cutest child ever.

"I'll walk you out" Olivia suggests.

She's standing by the window after he gets in his truck.

"I'll see you later tonight" Shayne says.

"If I'm asleep, can you wake me up?" She reminds him.

"Of course" He said.

He leans his head out for a kiss that Olivia returns this time.

"Love you Shayne" Olivia waves. 

"Can you say bye to Daddy?" She tries with Chloe, getting her to wave her hand.

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