Chapter 21

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After that speech I had made at the pep rally on Friday, almost everything had changed. Instead of people picking on me, calling me names, pitying me, they started to attack on Nash. That's what I hate about a lot of people. One minute they're against you and the next minute they're on your side, which is nothing but fake. Instead of just watching and staring while I struggle with any kind of movement, people start to come over and help. I've even gotten a lot of apologies. And when Olivia had check my facebook profile, she found out that most of the comments were deleted. I guess I felt happy, that is starting to stop. But I do feel really sorry for Nash.

No I don't. What am I saying? What he did to me is wayyyy worse than what people are doing to him. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. This time, instead of mine, if you check his profile on Facebook, that's where all the worse comments are. Things like "You're heart is full of evil." Or "how could you do something like this to Grace?" And so much more trust me. Some people comment nothing but cuss words. He should know how I felt when he was doing the same thing. So ha.

We actually have the play under control. At least nash got used to making contact with me. We all have our lines memorized. So Monday will be beast. And I'm really excited for the fake arm.

"Can you come over?" Robert asks. We've been talking on the phone for about 2 hours. Olivia is with matthew and all them. So I'm in the dorm, alone. It feels good to be alone.

"Dude I told you I can't."

"Fine can we just meet up at.. Something like Joes Cafe?" He asks.

"That works. I'll meet you there at about 2:30."


"But is it okay if I can bring a couple friends?"




I finally hung up.

I called Matthew and asked him to drive us there so the five of us met at his car. Matthew didn't want to drive so we had Olivia in the front. I sat next to her. The drive was really fun. Well it's always fun if you're with these people. We listened and sang music as loud as we can. The cars outside were literally staring at us like we've gone crazy. Matthew and Carter,sitting on both of the window sides, started making faces to the other cars every time we came to a red light. The reactions were hilarious! Once a little girl was pointing at our car when Matthew made a face. Her finger was pointing directly at me thought. And later on I figured it wasn't because of the faces, it was because of my arm.

When we got there, we joined Robert in a big round table. He ordered a double chocolate chip frappuccino. This place is similar to Starbucks but definitely not better.

"This is sooo good." Shawn exclaims, who drank already half the drink.

"I know bro." Carter says, but they weren't wrong. In the first sip I took, the tiny bits of chocolate literally melted on my tongue, spreading the refreshing taste down through my throat.

"So, Grace."

"Yeah." I reply to Robert.

"How's your lover boy?" I cough before he can even finish the sentence. "You okay?"

"Robert." Olivia steps in.


"They broke up." I close my eyes.

"What? Why?"

I try to talk but when I open my mouth, nothing comes out. Only tears from my blurry eyes.

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