Chapter 27

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I have been sitting in this chair for about a week. I haven't gotten up once (well except for when I had to use the bathroom which was also in the room). I have been watching him sleep this whole time. He hasn't woken up yet. He will wake up.. Right? I won't get up until he wakes up.

Hayes had woken up. He was sleeping with his head on my lap for a couple hours. It was just me and him in the room this whole week. Hayes gets up and goes to the bathroom. I move my chair a little closer to Nash, holding him by the hand, which is freezing cold while mine is burning hot. I rub his hand a couple times and place a soft kiss on his cheek. I start to play with his hair, which calms me down.

The doctors had covered and bandaged the cuts on his arms. They found out that he had swallowed a bunch of different drugs, some they could handle, some they couldn't. The doctors told me that he will live. But I bet he went through more pain than he would've if he had died. I prayed to God every night that he wouldn't leave me, especially since he had no one else pray for him. Well besides Hayes. I also had to control Hayes. He was so scared. When we arrived at the hospital, he wouldn't stop crying so one of the doctors had to give him this medicine to calm him down. I couldn't watch. It was horrible. You can't imagine.

After releasing my hand from his, I hear a big gasp coming from Nash. The machines start beeping. His face is white, completely white. His eyes are looking around the room as if he's trying to look for something. He's scared.

"Hayes! Get the doctors!" I call out for Hayes who rushes out of the bathroom, heading for the doctors.

"Grace. What's-" he tries to get up but I don't let him.

"Hey. It's okay." And this time, I know it's okay. I mean it.

The doctors come in and I try to release my hand from his but he holds it even tighter. One of the doctors force his hand out of mine which pisses me off.

When I walk out of the room, I sit on one of the chairs placed right beside the door. I close my eyes. I felt free, finally out of that crowded room..

The moment I open my eyes, I find a white figure slowly approaching me. I tense up. The closer it gets, the more familiar it is. It sits down to the seat right next to mine, and when I look at her, I know exactly who she is:


"Hey," she says.

"Hi," I respond, as if I was talking to myself.

"Is Nash okay?" She asks me.


"Are you?" She looks straight into my eyes.

"I don't know," I respond.

"He loves you," Monica tells me.

"I know." I say. "I love him."

"Can you just come back?" I let it out.

"I wish, Grace." I come in for a hug, but as soon as I put my arms around her she fades away, as if she was never even here in the first place.

The doctors come out and walk up to me, pulling me away from my imagination.

"He's okay. He's actually.. Great. So you can either take him in a couple hours or stay in for maybe one more day. It's up to how he's feeling," one of the doctors say.

I smile, nod and mouth "thank you" and head to the room as fast as I can.

As soon as I walk in, I find Nash sitting up in his bed, and Hayes sitting right in front of him. They're .. Hugging? I can see that they had both cried, their eyes covered in red.

I try not to make any sound but my stupid shoes squeak and Hayes pulls back from Nash, both of their eyes shooting straight at me.

"Uh-hey." I say.

"Well now, I'll let you take over, Grace." Hayes smiles and walks to the door, shutting it behind him.

Nash motions for me to sit right next to him, and I do.

"All I want to start off with is that I'm sorry. I'm really really really sorry. You don't deserve anything that I did to you. Please be aware of that. And why did you stop me? I was gonna die and leave you without misery. Why didn't you let me? I'm sorry I did that to you Grace. I really am. And I just- I love you so much. And I always have and-"

Before he can see my cry, I lean in for a kiss. His hands hold me tight, as he brings me closer to him. I can feel his tears with mine as we kiss. I release and hug him, without saying one word.

Sometimes one touch of your loved one can hold way more power than the words you speak..

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