Chapter 28

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"I told you. It's gonna be okay. And this time, I'll be holding you, right next you. I promise."
"Alright." I say to Nash as we enter the building.
I can't believe it. It's like back to the first time we ever started dating. I'm holding his hand with my left hand (only hand) as we slowly walk in. It has been a couple days since he had gotten out of the hospital. We had took him home after he had been released. But, I had to stay with him since he had no "home." His mother still doesn't know what he tried to do. We don't even know where she is. So he basically has only his brother and me. That's it. The good news is that we might move in to his house together, but I don't know how that will work out.
So.. Are we dating? I would answer that with a yes. Because we are. I know I love him. He knows he loves me. We both know that the love we have between us is so strong that not even death can break it. People make mistakes. Some people make more mistakes than others. But the important idea is to learn from your mistakes. And he did. He figured out what he had did wrong and tried to fix it. Well his way of fixing it isn't that.. Smart. But, you get the point. He know knows that love is more important than popularity. And he honestly does not care whether I am missing an arm, a leg, a head, or any part of my body. He loves me for me. And I can't be happier for that.
So now we are a couple, we are stronger than anyone else in this school. We have rights and wrongs that we now know the answers to. We don't care what anyone else thinks of us, because we both know how much we matter for each other. We know we mean something important to one another. We love each other and we know we always will.
Now enough of this "love" stuff. Let's get back to what's happening: the play was supposed to happen a couple days after Nash's.. Suicidal day. But since this had occurred, we had to delay the play to next Friday, which we have plenty of time for. Getting into Olivia: she's happy that we're back together, but she still wants me to be wise. I know for a fact that I can't be wiser than this. Carter, Matthew, Shawn and Cameron are still.. What's the word I'm looking for... WEIRD. But yeah, everything is back to normal I guess, which I never possibly imagined would happen..
As soon as we walk in, all eyes shoot directly at our tight hands that are held together and will NEVER be separated. I feel like how I felt when I walked in to school when I had lost my arm. All eyes were on me, whispers from every corner, people pointing at me. Except this time, I'm not alone. I have my boyfriend right beside me.
"Are y'all-?" A random girl comes up to us.
"Yes. We are." I respond, knowing what she meant. She smiles. I smile back.
After a couple more questions and comments, my nightmare walks up to us: George.
"Nash, bro. Don't tell me you're.." He starts but Nash cuts him right away.
"We are. And if you have a problem with that, you'll just have to learn to deal with it." He responds, and pulls me with him, elbowing George on his shoulder.
Then, a bunch of girls walk up to Nash, each giving him a hug where my evil eyes hit them.
"Nash, oh my god, you're a hero" and "We love you Nash" are the kinds of things they yelled at him. But right when Nash was going to speak, I stepped in:
"No. He's my hero and he always will be. Go find Spider-Man." I shriek and the girls roll their eyes.
Nash looks straight at me, with a grin forming into a smile.
"What was that for?" He asks, chuckling.
"They can't touch my hero. I can't "share" MY hero with them. My hero is my half arm. Without it, I wouldn't be complete." I reply.
"Aww. Look who's trying to speak all fancyyyy?" I laugh.
And after a couple seconds, Matthew and Olivia walk up to us.
"I guess there is in cure for the nashty fever that Grace has huh?" Matthew exclaims and we all smile.
"I guess not." I kiss him on the cheek as we all leave to go to our next class: theatre.

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