Chapter 24

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Nash's POV

I couldn't sleep last night.

All I heard was Hayes's nonstop sobs. I mean, I don't get why he'd be the one to be so upset about it. I'm not even sure if he's upset.

I get up from bed and head down stairs, continuing the book "Lovebird." Yeah, yeah. I know. I'm aware that Grace has the same book. I just, wanted to read her types for once. Ya know?

I read about 7 long chapters when I hear footsteps coming down.

Hayes makes eye contact with me and looks away. His serious eyes punch me every time he stares.

He grabs a couple snacks, already dressed, and heads for the door.

"Hey, hey where are you going?" I ask quickly, my voice cracks.

"Why would you care?" Hayes replies, putting his shoes on.

"Hayes." I give him a look.

"Mark. My friend. He's right across the street." He gives in.

"No. You can't go." I say. "Moms coming home today."

"And why should I listen to you?"

"Because I'm your brother. And you have to what I tell you to do." I reply, standing straight.

"I would shoot myself instead." He opens the door and shuts it hard right behind him, but I don't have at least 1% of the energy to go after him.

I stay up until my mom arrives around 4:30 in the afternoon. But still no sign of Hayes.

"Hey mom." I give her a really tight hug.

"Hey honey. I missed you." She hugs back. "How'd it go? What'd y'all do?"

"Nothing much. Stayed at home with Hayes most of the time." I reply, I lie.

"Oh." She says, setting her purse on the couch. "So did you and Grace ever meet up?"


"Like you know, a dinner, a movie or something?" She cuts me off.


"You know what! You should invite her to have dinner with us!" She cuts me off.. Again.

"MOM!" I don't have a clue to how to tell her.

"Yes dear." She smiles.

"Mom we broke up." I slowly tell her.


"I broke up with her." Her smile fades. She frowns. And to make everything even worse, Hayes walks in.

"Hey mom!" He runs up to her but backs up when he looks in her glossy eyes. "What happened..?"

"Why did y'all break up?" Mom ignores Hayes, searching for answers.

"Because, he is the stupidest and the most cruelest person that I have ever known in my life." Hayes interrupts.

"Can you just shut up Hayes!"

"You shut up!" He yells back at me.

"Hayes. This isn't your business. Go upstairs." Mom cuts in.

"Yes it is Mom! I loved her as much as he did! He doesn't understand how valuable he was to this family! Neither of you do! She's the best thing that has happened to me since dad left!" He yells, yet it doesn't sound like a yell since his voice is cracked from last night.

"Nash. Why did you break up with her? You still haven't answered-" Moms says, ignoring Hayes again, but I sure haven't.

"You know what mom. Why doesn't Hayes answer it? It seems like he knows more about love than I do." I reply, grab my sweater and head to the door, putting on my shoes as fast as I can.

"Nash-" she starts but I don't wait for her to finish. I forget to grab the keys when I am outside, but I can't go back. I run straight as fast as I can. It sounds really stupid, and I still don't know why I'm running. I guess it's to let out the stress I'm holding, but no matter how fast I run, the stress won't release, which makes it even worse.

I run until I get to a nearby park, breathing as fast as I can. I sit down on one of the benches, trying to come back to myself. I put my head in my hands and force myself not to cry.

"Nash?" A familiar voice says. I pull my self upward to find Robert looking down at me.

I look straight in his eyes, and he frowns.

"Are you.. Okay?" He asks.

I keep looking at him, then shake my head. He sits down next to me.

And I know from the moment he says his first word, that this will not end well.

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