chapter 8

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Friday came by quickly. Lisa already missed Yugi. She couldn't wait until tomorrow. But she had to everything she could to help Yugi save his grandpa. Soon a helicopter landed on the island. It was a young boy who Mr. Pegasus had been talking to about a new game called dungeon dice monsters.

Lisa didn't stick around to see how the meeting went. She just sat on the balcony looking towards the ocean. "You miss him, don't you" Yama said. "yes I do" Lisa said. "Well now that you and Yugi are as close as you are, me and the spirit of his puzzle can communicate with each other. We have a plan" Yama said. Lisa looked concerned. "my father can read minds. I think it has something to do with the millennium eye that he has." Lisa said. "I've been thinking about that too." Yama said. "What can we do" Lisa asked. "I don't know" Yama said.

The next day the boat full of duelist arrived. Lisa had to be with her father to greet everyone. Lisa could see Yugi and saw that Téa, Tristan, and even Joey we're there right by his side. She was glad Yugi wasn't alone. Pegasus announced there would be new rules that would be discovered when the dueling started. They had one hour to prepare. Lisa walked back with her father. "Remember Lisa, I want you to make sure no one is cheating. If you have to duel, you can" her father said. "duel?" She asked.

"I know you have a deck. I also know that you took my three blue-eyes white dragons cards. But I was going to give them to you anyways. Now once the tournament begins, you should head out. You may return at anytime" he said. She realized that her father was really good at mind reading. She heard the fireworks outside and headed out. She met Yugi right outside the castle.

"Yugi" Lisa said. "Lisa, I'm glad you are here" Yugi said. They hugged each other. Yugi stoked her hair. Then he kissed her. "Aw you guys are so cute" Téa said. "Yuge, we need to start dueling" Joey said. "yeah, let's find Weevil" he said. "Weevil? The Regional champion?" Lisa asked. "Yeah" Yugi said. They spotted weevil on a hill. Yugi challenged him to a duel but weevil ran off.

They came to a clearing. Yugi changed into the spirit of his puzzle. "It's time to duel" Yugi said. The duel ring came up out of the ground and everyone but Weevil and Lisa freaked out. Lisa knew their were duel rings all over the island. "Yugi wait" Lisa said. She whispered something in his ear. "These give field power bonuses. Be careful on what you choose" she said. "Thanks for the tip honey." Yugi said. He went to the platform and started the duel with Weevil.

Lisa noticed that Yugi only had one star chip. Joey said that he gave one to him. Joey explained that he needed to win the prize money for his sister. She was going blind. Lisa got the idea that if Joey lost, she would pay for the operation. This way she wouldn't go blind.

"As soon as Yugi gets all the pieces of Exodia, the match will be over" Lisa said. Joey shook his head. "Sorry Lisa, that won't happen" Joey said "what do you mean?" Lisa asked. "Weevil threw his Exodia cards overboard on the way here. I tried to get them back but I almost drowned." Joey said. Lisa was shocked. She knew Yugi had to win. Yugi not only bet his only star chip, but he bet his grandfathers whole dueling deck. Weevil bet both of his stars. Weevil thought it would be an easy win. 

The field that they were using was 60% forest and 40% Wasteland. The type of duel monsters weevil used was insects which meant they got field power bonuses from the forest part. Because of this fact Yugi struggled in the duel. Weevil used a card called "the Cocoon of evolution" which would turn one of his monsters into the great moth in 5 turns.

It took Yugi a while to pop open the Cocoon. He had used curse of dragon along with the burning land magic card to get rid of the Forrest around the Cocoon. When the Cocoon pooped open, the great moth was still able to come out.

Yugi won by using a magic card called "Makiu" which made the field soaking wet. Then he called summoned skull and used the electrical attack to win the duel. Yugi won both of weevil's star chips. This gave him three stars.

Lisa was proud of Yugi. Joey took weevil's glove and placed his star chip in it. Yugi went back to his own self and he, Lisa, Tristan, Joey, and Téa went around the island looking for other opponents.

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