chapter 21

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The next morning Yugi woke up first. Lisa was holding him tight. He lifted her head and kissed her gently on the lips. Lisa woke up. "Good morning Mrs. Muto" Yugi said. Lisa loved the sound of that. She kissed him. "What time is the flight?" Lisa asked. "10:00. It's 9:00 now. We have to get ready" Yugi said. Lisa got up and got dressed. She had a surprise for Yugi. She put on a shirt that said bride on it.

"Wow, that's cool" Yugi said as he was about to put on a shirt. "Here wear this one" Lisa said tossing him a black shirt. It said "groom" Yugi put it on and it fit him perfectly. "How are you feeling?" Yugi asked. "Happy" she said. They went down stairs where Mr. Muto was waiting. "Let's get you two love birds to the airport" Mr. Muto said. The got in the car and went to the airport. Riku was there to give them rides for their honeymoon. They hopped on the private jet. "How long until we are there?" Lisa asked. "We will be there in 15 hours" Riku said.

"I really wonder where we are going" Yugi said. "Well not America, that would take a lot longer" Lisa said. They had breakfast lunch and dinner in the plain though the long flight. At 1:00 am they arrived at their destination. They were really tired from the flight. Riku took them to the hotel and told them to rest up. Yugi and Lisa just held each other that night. They didn't see where they were for they were too tired to care.

The next morning Lisa woke up first. She saw Yugi still sleeping so she didn't want to bother him. She crawled out of bed and peeked outside of the window. "What? Dad you didn't" she thought. "What" Yama said. "We are in Paris." Lisa said. "The most romantic city in the world" Yugi woke up to find Lisa not next to him. Then he saw her looking out the window. He gently went behind her and hugged her. "Good morning my queen" Yugi said.

Lisa faced him. "You never called me that before" Lisa said. "I know. I just thought I'd give it a try." Yugi said. Then he looked out the window. "Whoa we're in Paris?" Yugi said. "Yeah. I was just as shocked as you" Lisa said.

"Why don't we go get breakfast" Yugi suggested. "Good idea" Lisa said. They got dressed and headed out to find a place to get breakfast. They found a cute little coffee shop. They got french crawlers and french coffee. "Mm this is good" Lisa said. "Yes it is." Yugi said. "I still can't believe my dad paid for us to come here" Lisa said. "Yeah me either." Yugi said. Riku picked them up so they wouldn't get lost. They drove around the city taking in all of the sights. "Look the Eiffel Tower" Lisa said. They stopped there and went to the restaurant atop The tower for lunch.

After lunch they went to a gift shop. Yugi found something that he knew Lisa would love. He brought it. "I'll give it to her tonight" Yugi thought. They got back to the hotel and took a break. They relaxed on the bed. "I love you" Yugi said. "I love you too" Lisa said back. They were snuggling with each other. "I will say our first night together was amazing" Lisa said. "Yeah, last night was just too exhausting. We spent the whole day on a plane" Yugi said.

Lisa grabbed Yugi's face and kissed his lips. He embraced her. But soon it time for dinner. Lisa needed a shower before that. Yugi let her and he just waited for her. When Lisa got out she had a nice blue dress on. He put on a nice suit as they went to the dining hall.

They enjoyed french dishes and had some real french chocolate. They enjoyed the meal. After dinner they went back to their room. Yugi hugged Lisa from behind her and kissed her neck. "What should we do tomorrow" Yugi asked. "Not sure" Lisa said. She turned around and kissed Yugi. Then Yugi pulled something out of his pocket. "I saw this and thought of you." He said. He opened the box and there sat a necklace with the letter L on it.

"Oh Yugi" Lisa said. "Here" Yugi said taking it out and placing it around her neck. "Yugi it's beautiful" Lisa said. "Your beautiful. I love you and I always will." He said. Then he kissed her. "Let's enjoy our time here. Who knows if we will ever get back" Lisa said. "agreed" Yugi said. The rest of the week they enjoyed Paris. They made great memories but we're getting ready to go home. The night before they left Paris, Yugi asked her if before him if she ever dated anyone else. She told him no.

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