chapter 46

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Yami told the kid he would bring his deck to victory. It wasn't going to be easy since there was only one magic card that they knew was in there. It was a tough duel.

Yami found that the kid did have another magic card that helped dragons. The duel wasn't looking good until Yami drew the heart of the underdog. Joey had no idea what the card did. Everyone laughed. "It should be called the heart of the Wheeler" Duke joked. "Guys" Lisa said. Yami kept drawing cards until he was playing a effect Dragon. It allowed him to discard dragons to power up the one. He discarded all 6 he had in his hand.

He won the duel. Everything went back to normal. They went outside and the kid said he would take care of the card. "So Yugi you said that card reminded you of someone" Joey said. "I did, oh right, um, little help here Yugi" Yami said as he switched back to Yugi. "Oh real mature pharaoh" Yugi yelled. Joey grabbed Yugi. "Everyone thinks it reminds you of me" Joey said.

"Alright it dose remind us of you Joey because when it seams like your in trouble, you pull back quick" Lisa said. Then a helicopter landed. Kaiba came out. Lisa had never seen him in a suit like he was wearing before. "Mokuba, are you alright" he asked. "I'm fine bro" Mokuba said. "I'm glad. I also glad to see you all made it to the tournament" Kaiba said. "I trust all of you are participating." Kaiba said. "All but Lisa" Mokuba said.

Kaiba was shocked. "Why" he asked. "I just got out of the hospital. My doctor said I needed rest" Lisa said. "Besides I have. Son now" Kaiba understood. "It's alright. We would have had an odd number if you joined. Unless someone doesn't show tonight" he said.

That night everyone was gathered in a huge conference room. A kid Yugi met earlier was there. His name was Leon Wilson. He was in the tournament. "Ever since I first saw you duel, I've wanted to face you" Leon said. Then a Chinese woman came over to Yugi. "Your Yugi right" she asked. "Yes" Yugi said. "I knew it. I'm Vivian, you can call me Viv." She hugged Yugi and was flirting with him. Rebecca had he tell her to give Yugi air. She ran off to talk to Kaiba.

"Gee, that girl is nuts" Lisa said. "yeah." Yugi said. Baby Joseph started crying. "Oh no, I'll be right back Yugi" Lisa said. She took him to the bathroom and changed him. He stopped crying after that. She went back to the room and the opening ceremony was about to begin. They announced the competitors one by one. The inrtoduced Apdnarg Otum. Lisa immediately recognized him. Then they inrtoduced Yugi who had changed into Yami.

Lisa saw there was an odd number of people. If she had joined there would been an even number. But the Roland made a surprising announcement. He said that the winner of the tournament would face Yugi for a chance for his title as king of games. Yugi didn't even realize that. That made Lisa feel better about not joining.

The next day was the start of the tournament. The crowd was going to wild about it. Mokuba invited Yugi into the stage and Yugi was alittle nervous. "You can do it" Lisa said. Yugi went up and waved nervously. Then it was time to see who would be in the first round. Joey was going to face Apdnarg Otum. "When I win the mask comes off" Joey said. Leon was also in the first round. Soon it was time to start. But when they looked where Joey and Apdnarg were supposed to duel, Joey wasn't there. Then he came by with hotdogs in his hands. "Joey, your match started already" Yugi said. Joey ran off and everyone but Mokuba and Lisa fallowed. Lisa couldn't run with the baby in her arms.

"Great, I'll miss his match either way" Lisa said. "I tried to tell him before he left there was a secret pathway that I could have let him use. Come on. We can get there before he dose" Mokuba said. They got to the sight where Apdnarg was waiting. Lisa went up to him. "I doubt you are fooling anyone" Lisa said to him. "Just wanted to face Joey. And I get to" Apdnarg said. "Well be careful" Lisa said. Apdnarg looked at her and looked at the sleeping baby in her arms. "When did you have him?" He asked. "Four days ago" Lisa said.

Joey had about 20 seconds left to arrive. Then at 10 seconds he was in sight. He made it with 5 seconds to spare. He asked how Mokuba and Lisa got there before he did. Mokuba explained about the pathway. "No fair. I fought off snakes" Joey said. Yugi joined Lisa and the match began. "Isn't that grandpa Muto?" Téa asked. "Yup" Yugi said. "That disguise is the worst." Tristan said. "Well, Joey's still clueless" Téa said.

Mokuba said that Mr. Muto begged to be in the tournament. Mokuba thought it'd be alright since he taught Yugi everything he knows about dueling. Mr. Muto was doing well against Joey. But Joey seemed like he was having a hard time. He wasn't having fun. Yugi reminded him that this wasn't a serious tournament since they weren't trying to save the world or something. He told Joey to have fun.

Joey realized it. Lisa saw right though Mr. Muto's strategies. "Will he really do it" she thought. As far as she knew, no one had been able to call this monster. It required 7 cards and it was very difficult to pull off. But Mr. Muto did it. He called the ancient Dragon. Everyone was in shock except for Lisa and professor Hawkins.

Professor Hawkins said he had the ancient Dragon as well, but he was missing one card in order to sommon it. Lisa knew that the ancient Dragon cards were each very rare. Mr. Muto Played a trap that could knock out Joey cards that relied on dice. He also played a card that would make Joey guess what kind of card he had in his hands in order to attack.

One of the cards required to sommon ancient Dragon was ancient Temple. As long as that was on the field, ancient Dragon could receive it self. Joey found way to get rid of the Temple, free him from having to guess what card was in his hand, and make him wide open. Joey won the duel. Joey offered him a hand since the last attack made him fall to the ground. "I just wish I knew who you were" Joey said. Everyone laughed. Mr. Muto removed his disguise. "Peak-a-boo" he said.

Mr. Muto admitted he wanted to duel Joey to see how far he had come. After all, Mr. Muto not only taught Yugi about dueling, but he taught Joey how to duel. "So why Apdnarg?" Joey asked. "It's grandpa spelled backwards" Mr. Muto said. Everyone laughed as they went to see who was in the next round.

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