chapter 11

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Lisa went back to stage 146 to see Kemo was gone. Yugi had won the match already and his opponent was gone too. Yugi was on the other side collecting his star chips and a deck. "Yugi I'm sorry. I had to take care of something" she said. "I understand but right now we have to try to find Mokuba" Yugi said. Everyone ran off to try to find him but he was no where to be found. They realized he was taken back to the castle.

They decided to find an opponent for Joey. Than Mai appeared. She challenged Joey to another duel. There were two things that would happen. First Mai wouldn't be the one dueling. Second Yugi and Lisa were not aloud to help him at all. Tristan didn't like the idea and went off on his own. Joey accepted the duel. His opponent was Rex Raptor. Rex specialized in dinosaur type monsters. Lisa wished she could help. Yugi ran off. "where are you going?" Lisa asked. "To find Tristan" Yugi said. Lisa stayed and watched the duel. Joey was off to a bad start. Then he was able to call his flame swordsman which had a bigger advance against dinosaurs. Rex eventually got out a rare rare card that was almost as famous as blue-eyes white dragon. The red-eyes black dragon. Rex made a bet saying whoever wins, will take whatever card they had on the field. Joey remembered his time wizard card and accepted the turns. By this point Yugi and Tristan had come back. Joey played his time wizard.

The time wizard card was a risk. It had a roulette on it. If it landed on a skull, Joey would lose the rest of his life points. Luckily it landed right and it fossilized the red-eyes black dragon. Joey won the star chips and the red-eye card. And he did it with out any help. Lisa and Yugi were proud of him. Soon the sun set and Lisa got a call on her cell phone. It was her father.

"I have to take this Yugi" Lisa said. "Go ahead." Yugi said. "Hello" Lisa said. "Hey sweetie just wondering when you will be back at the castle. It's getting late" her father said. "um, actually I'm staying out here for the night. I'll return when Yugi gets all of his star chips" Lisa said. "alright, be careful" he said. Lisa hung up and went back to Yugi. "Everything okay?" Yugi asked. "Yeah. he just wanted to know when I'll be back at the castle." Lisa said. "Oh, do you need to head that way?" Yugi asked looking upset. "Nope, I told him I would arrive when you got all of your star chips." Lisa explained. Yugi smiled. "That's a relief" Yugi said.

They realized they needed to set up camp for the night. They found a spot under a tree. Joey was telling lame food ghost stories. Joey said he was just hungry. Then he spotted a mushroom. "Chow time" Joey said as he tried to grab the mushroom. Tristan held him back. "Wild mushrooms are poisonous Joey" Yugi said. Then Mai came up. She offered her food since she now had 8 star chips.

Yugi went to grab fire wood, Joey and Tristan went to get water, and Mai offered Téa and Lisa a makeshift shower. Téa went first. She heard something in the bushes but Mai didn't see anything. After Téa finished her shower, Lisa went next. She felt the warm water on her body. Yugi told Mai that he would keep watch. He promised not to peek. After her shower she put on some fresh clothes.

Everyone was by the campfire eating. Lisa had a worried look on her face. "What's wrong Lisa" Yugi asked. Lisa began to cry. Yugi quicky put down his food and hugged Lisa. Everyone gathered around her. "what's wrong sweetie" Yugi asked again. Lisa was trying to pull her self together. Yama knew what was wrong so she took over. Everyone freaked except for Yugi. "Sorry, Lisa's upset about what her father said to her." Yama said. "I'm confused now" Téa said. "You're... You're the spirit of Lisa's puzzle" Yugi said. Yama nodded. "What are you talking about Yuge" Joey asked. "It's hard to explain" Yugi said. "I could see Lisa was having a hard time telling you what's going on. So I took over so she can pull herself together" Yama said.

Yama expined that her father had told her that if he defeats Yugi, Lisa won't be aloud to see him again. "I see. She doesn't want to happen" Mai said. "I'll let Lisa take back over. Comfort her, she having a hard time with it."  Lisa took back over and she didn't even realize that Yama took over for a minute. "It's okay Lisa, I won't let it happen" Yugi told her. Lisa laid down on Yugi's lap. He hugged her. Than Mai walked off. Lisa finally pulled herself together and sat back up.

Then there was a sound from the bushes. Téa screamed since it came from right behind her. Then a boy with long white hair came out. "Bakura" everyone but Lisa said. Lisa recognized him from school but didn't know his name. They sat around the campfire. Joey was looking at his cards.

Joey said that sometimes when he duels it feels like he is out there dueling. "Really if you were what card would you be" Bakura asked. "Flame swordsman" Joey said. Tristan picked cyber commander. Téa picked magician of faith. Yugi of course picked dark magician. Lisa picked Andsite dragon, the only non human card. Bakura chose the magic card, change of heart. Bakura said that everyone should put their favorite card in Yugi's deck and have a just for fun duel. Everyone thought it was a great idea.

Lisa thought something was up. Yama felt it too. Then after the decks were shuffled, Bakura revealed that had had a Millennium item, the Millenium ring. His hair started to stick up in the front. then everyone's soul left their body's. Everyone passed out. Bakura went to grab for Yugi's puzzle. Then it started to glow. Yami had taken over. Then Lisa's puzzle started to glow and Yama took over Lisa's body. They were now in a shadow game.

It turned out there was a sprit in the Millennium ring. But it was pure evil. Yami accepted the duel and they started Yama was right by his side.

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