chapter 67

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Two weeks passed. School was going well. It was Friday morning of their second week of school. Lisa woke up first. She felt nauseous and ran to the bathroom. Yugi woke up to her throwing up. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Yeah give me a few minutes" Lisa said. She took out a pack of pregnancy tests she bought the day before. She took all three that were in the pack. She saw the results and smiled. She grabbed one and went out where Yugi was getting ready for school.

She hugged him from behind. "Hey, you feeling better?" He asked. "No but don't worry. Look" she said handing him the test. He looked at it. "Already?" He said. Lisa nodded her head. He lifted her up gently. He knelt down and kissed her stomach. "Hello Atem or Cecilia" Yugi said.

At lunch they told Joey Téa and Tristan. "Wow, didn't expect you to get pregnant again while still in school" Téa said. "I'll be seeing a doctor to see when I'm due" Lisa said. "If we calculated it right, she should have it after graduation" Yugi said. After school they went to the doctor. He ran test. "Ok it you graduate in May right?" He asked. "Yeah" Yugi said. "Your last child was born 2 weeks early right" the doctor asked "yes" Lisa said. "Well you are due two weeks after you graduate, but I would recommend that you come in the day after just to make sure you have it in the hospital this time" the doctor said. "Sounds good to me" Yugi said. "Me too" Lisa said.

They were excited to have another child on the way. But Lisa started getting second thoughts. But she didn't have a choice now. Yugi could tell and felt bad. Made sure she was happy no matter what. One night while Lisa was sleeping, he put his head close to her stomach. "I promise to be there for everything, and I promise to protect you" Yugi said. He kissed her stomach. And fell asleep.

Lisa woke up with morning sickness again and ran to the bathroom. Yugi held her hair. "This was the one thing I didn't like about pregnancy" Lisa said. Yugi laughed. "I know." He said. When she was done she brushed her teeth. "Good thing it's Saturday" Lisa said. "Yeah" Yugi said. They spent the day with little Joey. They told him that he was going to be a big brother. He was excited. Mr. Muto was shocked to hear about the new baby. "You guys already have names picked?" Mr. Muto said. "Yep. If it's a boy his name will be Atem." Yugi said. "And if it's a girl we are naming her Cecilia after my mom" Lisa said.

A few months passed. Lisa was see her doctor every month to check on the baby. They decided to see what it would be this time. Yugi planned a gender reveal party for her. "So only tell me" Yugi told the doctor the day they were finding out. "Alright" the doctor said. Lisa knew about the party. It was later that day. She was anxious to know what her child was going to be. The doctor gave Yugi a paper that gave the baby gender.

They went to the party store. "we need a baby reveal balloon" Yugi said. "Oh, ok. Boy or girl" the lady at the store asked. "He handed her the paper. "I'll get it done in 5 mins" the lady said. 5 minutes later she was holding a black balloon. Yugi payed for it and they went to the party. Before they got to the reveal of the party Lisa felt something in her stomach. "Yugi!" She called. "What?" He asked. She put his hand on her stomach. "It's kicking" Lisa said. He knelt down and kissed her stomach. "Alright guys, time to see what this baby will be" Mr. Muto said. All of their friends were gathered around. Even Pegasus was there. "1...2....3" everyone yelled. Yugi and Lisa popped the balloon and blue confetti filled the floor. "It's a boy" Yugi said grabbing Lisa and spinning her. "Atem" Yugi said. "Atem" Lisa said back.

"So do you guys have a name for him?" Téa asked. "Yes.. his name is Atem" Yugi said. "That's a perfect name" Joey said.

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