chapter 12

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Yami and evil Bakura drew 5 cards. Yama told Yami to be careful. When he played cyber commander first, Tristan appeared. "Tristan?" Yami and Yama said. Tristan thought he was dreaming. Yami was able to get every one on the field including Lisa.

"Why are there 2 Yugi's and two Lisa's" Téa asked. Yugi explained that that Yugi was his other self. Lisa kinda said the same thing. Lisa, being Andsite dragon, knew what she needed too do but before she had a chance Yugi, as the dark magician, attacked. "Yugi wait" Yami and Lisa yelled. But it was too late. Yugi's body was numb. "Yugi" Lisa said flying to him. Then Bakura played the change of heart magic card. It was the real Bakura.

Bakura took ever one of his monsters instead of taking over Yugi. Yami was able to get the real Bakura into his body and the spirit of the ring was the one that took ever the monster. Yugi attacked and sent the spirit too the graveyard. Everyone thought that was the last of him.

Yugi, Lisa, and Bakura were talking when the ring pointed to the castle. "My father's Millennium eye" Lisa said. "It did the same thing to you guy's items." Bakura said. Everyone else woke up and thought everything they had experienced in the shadow game was a dream. Then they heard Mai screaming.

Everyone ran to go find her. She had lost a duel to an Eliminator named Panik. Yugi changed into Yami and challenged Panik to a duel. The duel was won by Yugi in 5 turns. One of the fastest duels Lisa ever saw. Of course she never liked Panik. Yugi tried to give Mai her star chips but she was trying to refuse. Than Joey took them out of Yugi's hands and said he will take them. Mai got mad and Joey raised his hand with the star chips up over his head. Mai reached for them. Then Joey placed them in her hands. She was shocked. She said when she duels Yugi in the finals, it would be an honorable duel. They walked away and went to the cliff.

Yugi was thinking about all of the millennium items they had encountered. Lisa couldn't sleep. She was in a tent with Téa. She went out and saw Yugi still wide awake. "Can I lay down by you" she asked. "Sure" she laid down and Yugi put his arm around her and pulled her close to him. "Lisa, you knew there was a spirit in my puzzle, didn't you?" Yugi asked. "well not at first, but me and Yama kinda suspected it when I saw your puzzle." Lisa said. "why didn't you say anything before?" Yugi asked. "well i wasn't sure if you were even aware of it" Lisa said. Yugi admitted that at first he didn't. He didn't know the name of the spirit. Lisa said that Yama calls him Yami. Yugi wanted to confirm that with the spirit before he started calling him that. 

Just than a helicopter with bright lights came over the cliff. The helicopter landed and someone came out. It was Kaiba. Yugi ran up to him. "here, this is my way of saying thank you for the duel you helped me win" Yugi said. he handed Kaiba his dueling deck. Kaiba thanked him and started to walk away. Joey than challenged him to a duel. Kaiba accepted as long as they were able to use his new duel disk system that he had just invented. Kaiba showed Joey how to use it and they started the duel. Kaiba went first and he called battle ox. when it appeared it was so realistic it was hard to believe it was a hologram. Even Lisa was shocked on how real it looked. 

Joey called his armed lizard. When it attacked battle ox, the ax on Battle ox looked like it really went though the armed lizard. Joey was losing badly. He was able to get Red-eyes black dragon on the field, but Kaiba was able to call one of his blue-eyes white dragons. Joey lost the duel. Kaiba was bringing him down calling Joey a loser dog. Kaiba walked away. Everyone tried to comfort Joey but he has too down in the dumps. 

Everyone went back to sleep. Lisa was laying next to Yugi. Yugi was still awake for a little bit. Seeing Lisa asleep made him love her even more. He pulled her close to him. He kissed her head and snuggled with her as he fell asleep. He wanted to be with her forever. That night Lisa had another dream about Yugi. She dreamed that Yugi was proposing to her using her mothers ring. Lisa woke up to see she was snuggled up by Yugi. "That can't come true. My mothers ring was lost when she died" Lisa thought. Then she fell back asleep. 

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