chapter 65

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At the tournament there were a lot of people there. Pegasus got up and spoke. "Welcome everyone to the duel monsters tournament. I am Maximillion Pegasus, the creator of this lovely game" Pegasus said. "Before we start I want to set new rules" he said. "New rules?" Lisa said. "I wonder what they are" Yugi said. "The first is that instead of starting with 4,000 life points, we now start with 8,000. Secondly we are using duel disks for this tournament, if you don't have one, let us know and we will provide one" Pegasus said. "Whoa, 8,000 to start, no more one turn victory's" Lisa said. "yup. Unless someone can get that in one move" Yugi said.

"Finally the prize for the tournament. The winner will receive this trophy and be the second would Champion. Our first world champion will give this trophy to the winner." Pegasus said. "Second world champion?" Lisa thought. "That's why he didn't want me dueling. This for Lisa to prove she's the queen of games. Clever" Yugi thought. "Alright let the tournament begin" Pegasus announced. "Good luck honey" Yugi said. "Thanks" Lisa said

"The first round will be Lisa Muto against Howard Davis" Pegasus said. "Howard again?" Lisa thought. They met where they were supposed to. "Looks like we meet again" Howard said. "Yeah, but I don't think I can beat you in one turn again" Lisa said. "No worries. Wait I thought your last name was Pegasus, why did he say it was Muto" Howard asked. "I got married a couple years ago. I even have a son. When I faced you in battle city, I didn't know it but I was pregnant for him" Lisa said. "oh wow, well I won't lose this time" Howard said.

"Duel" they said together. "Lisa Muto will start the duel" the ref said. "Oh ok" Lisa said. "oops I almost forgot another new rule. The first player to go can't draw a card on their first turn" Pegasus said. "Oh. Ok" Lisa said. She looked at her 5 cards. "Oh no, I can't sommon a monster" Lisa thought. "But I have a great trap. This will work" Lisa thought. "I place this card face down and end my turn" Lisa said. "Oh ok. I draw. I play this monster in defense mode. That ends my turn." Howard said. "Let's see, a lot of defense monsters can have special effects. If that's marshmallon and I attack, I'll lose 1000 life points." Lisa thought. "I draw" she drew. "I play skilled dark magician in attack mode. Then I play pot of greed. That let's me draw two cards. Than I play card of sanctity witch makes us both draw until we have 6 cards, then I play my third magic card, scapegoat. This gives me 4 sheep tokens." Lisa said. "what is with the lights on your skilled dark magician?" Howard asked. "Now that my skilled dark magician has three magic counters I can sacrifice him and special sommon my dark magician in attack mode. Then I play 1000 knifes witch let's me destroyed one of your monsters. And I destroy your face down monster" Lisa said. "No, that won't activate it's effect" Howard said. "It was marshmallon." Lisa thought. "Now dark magician, direct attack" Lisa said. "I end my turn" Lisa said. "wow your good." Howrd said. "My turn, I draw. I play luster Dragon in attack mode." Howrd said. "You acctivated my trap, bottomless trap hole. It automatically activates when you sommon a monster with 1500 attack points or more. Luster Dragon has 1900" Lisa said. "No" Howard said. It disappeared. "I place this face down and end my turn" Howard said. "My turn. I draw." Lisa looked at what she had. "I play king of dragons in attack mode. Then I dicard one card to add a flute of sommoning dragon from my deck to my hand. Then I play one flute of sommoning dragon to call one blue-eyes white dragon and my Andsite dragon" Lisa said. "Dark magician direct attack" Lisa said. "You activated my trap, negate attack" Howard said. "that only negates dark magician. Andsite dragon attack" Lisa said. Lisa won after blue eyes attacked. "You still got it Lisa. Congratulations" Howard said.

Lisa did well in the tournament. She made it Al the way to the finals. It was her against Kaiba. "Well we face each other again. I may not be able to face the pharaoh, but you will do" Kaiba said. "Nice try" Lisa said. She had the instant to change to Renita. But she remembers that was impossible. She fought Kaiba well and she beat him with Andsite dragon again. "We have the winner. Let me introduce you to the queen of games, Lisa Muto" Pegasus announced. Lisa went on stage and Yugi gave her the trophy. "Congratulations" Yugi said. "Thanks. to bad Joey didn't win. But he did make it to the semi finals" Lisa said. "Yeah" Yugi said. He brought her close and kissed her right on stage. The crowd went wild and Yugi got embarrassed. "I forgot we had an audience." Yugi said. "It's alright, your my husband. And now I'm officially the queen of games" Lisa said. "you always were to me" Yugi said. Little Joey ran up to Yugi. "Good job mommy" he said. "Thanks sweetie" Lisa said. Her and Yugi had another kiss.

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