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"Wakey wakey gorgeous,"

"Naps over!"

I suddenly gasp and sit up. I look over and see a tall, attractive man with raven hair and a mischievous smirk.

"Who are you?" I ask quietly

"Well that isn't very important, however I would love to know your name" He says walking closer to me

"C-Clara Mikaelson"

He stops in his steps. His eyes widen. And just like that he is gone.

I can here him yelling upstairs, I try to listen but I am too weak only allowing me too hear a few unrecognisable murmurs.

I think nothing of it and look at my surroundings. A cell. Chains attached to the wall. Now how on earth did I get myself into this predicament.

Then suddenly everything comes back to me.

The party, my family, the marriage, Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah... Kol.


It has been many days since I was awoken in this hell. Torture, lack of food, it was all adding up to be too much.

I haa been reminded of things that I wished to never remember again, some so bad that one of the Mikaelsons had personally compelled them away.

However I have learnt the names of my kidnappers. Damon and Stefan Salvatore. And their pathetic group led by the sad little doppleganger of course.

All my thoughts are cut off as I hear a loud crash upstairs.

"Well well... it looks like we have intruded on quite the evening. It seems as though we have the whole crew here," I know that voice anywhere, Klaus.

I instantly smile.

"What do you two want?" Asks Stefan

Two? Who els-


I have always been close with all of the Mikaelsons however myself, Klaus and Elijah have always had a friendship that was undeniable.

"Well you see we have come to ask for something, something that you have stolen. In case you have not already noticed that item that you have holds particular value to us. So if you could please just hand it over so kindly and we will be on our way" Elijah persuades

"Oh yeah and why would we give it to you?" Asks Damon with a snarky voice, I can imagine the smirk he is wearing right now. Knowing Damon he thinks that he will be able to defeat Elijah and Klaus. 

In his dreams.

"Well I mean you don't have to give her to us, however I have awoken a certain family member. And I don't know about you but I certainly would not like to deal with this one when he is angry, especially when you have taken Clara from him"


He is okay, he is safe, he is looking for me.

All I hear is muffled voiced before the cell door swings open revealing none other than a smirking Klaus.

"Hello Love"

I jump up and speed over to him before giving him a strong hug. Oh how I have missed him.

"Well I consider that rather rude you know,"

I let go of Klaus to see Elijah standing in the doorway. Instantly widening my smile.

"Elijah!" I say rather loudly out of excitement,

I hear him chuckle loudly as I wrap my arms around him tightly.

"I have missed you Lijah" I whisper

"And I you Lara"


"There are friends, there are family, and then there are friends who become family"


Word Count: 563

His Darling ~ Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now