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The next morning was a very chilly morning so I tried to wrap all the blankets around me only to hear Kol groan.

"Darling stop stealing all of the blankets, it is cold" He states making me chuckle

"But I am cold" I say making him sigh before suddenly Kol flips me around so that he can wrap his arms fully around me. So I simply rest my head in the crook of his neck and sigh lightly as he rearranges the blankets to cover both of us. 

"I still cannot believe that you are here" I say

"I know darling, it must have been awful" He replies slowly

"It was not a great experience"

"Well I am not going anywhere" He states before lightly kissing my temple


We were currently all sitting in the lounge getting ready for the ball ahead

I was getting my nails done while Kol was looking at himself in the mirror, typical

But then Klaus storms through,

"You went after Elena, how dare you!" He yelled

Him and Rebekah bickered back and fourth until Kol got involved

They all argued before Esther stepped in, 

"Enough! Nikalus, come" Nik growled before following his mother deeper into the mansion

I let out a small squeal as Kol uses his speed to sit me on his lap in the same spot I was previously in.

He wraps his arms around my waist tightly before resting his head in the crook of my neck making him calm down from the outburst he just had with two of his siblings.

"You okay?" I lightly say to him in an almost whisper, he simply nods his head which is still by my neck and places a light kiss on my exposed shoulder.

I glance over at the grand clock and decide I should go and start doing my hair and makeup. I already spend most of my time with Kol on any normal day but with the way he is acting at the moment towards his family he will be with me 24/7

"I am going to go and start getting properly ready," I state rising slowly from Kols grip before he by instinct rises as well and interlaces our fingers together as we make our way upstairs.

As soon as we are in our room I slowly walk up to Kol who is just on the bed looking down

"Kol?" He looks up slightly and I see he has an almost unexplainable emotion on his face. Sadness, anger... jealousy.

"Hey, what is the matter?" I ask lightly as to approach the situation with ease, I do not want Kol to be angry at me. I hate it when he is mad at me. But even worse is when we are mad at each other.

"I was on the phone to Stefan Salvatore,"

Stefan? What would he want?

His Darling ~ Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now