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C L A R A :

"So why exactly do I need to go to Denver?" Asks Kol

We were currently all sitting in the lounge with me in Kol's lap. He hasn't let me be away from him for more than a minute since last night. I am certainly not complaining though

"Well I need you to become friends with little Gilbert" Demands Klaus

"I guess I can only if Clara comes with me" Says Kol

"Sorry lover boy she has to stay here"

I feel Kol tense instantly slowly removing me from his lap and leaning forward

"And why not exactly?" He questions

"Well you see we need her here, for a bit of a distraction for a certain Salvatore" States Klaus

Kol lets out a deep laugh making me nervous

"Yeah, like fuck I am gonna let her do that. He will try to touch her or something else. She could bloody fall in love with him for all I know!"

I slap his chest hard and glare at him only for him to sigh and kiss my neck before continuing his conversation... well argument

"Look there is no way I am letting her roam around without me here, so either she comes with me or I don't go at all"

"How about she stays here for a week and then you can come and get her?" Klaus bargains

"4 days" Kol replies quickly




"Fucking none" Kol growls making me instantly go wide eyed

"4 it is then!" Yells Klaus as he leaves the room

Kol growls before pulling me back into his lap and holding me tighter and putting his head in the crook of my neck to calm himself down


"You sure you are gonna be okay love?" Asks Kol as he strokes my cheek with one hand while the other is wrapped tightly round my waist

"Yes I promise I will be, I have everyone here to look after me" I assure him

He lets out a sigh before giving a quick nod of his head and wrapping both arms around me and hugging me tightly. I can tell he doesn't want to leave me alone, not for 4 days but hopefully in that time I can work on some spells and help the rest of the family out.

"I will find some grimouires while I am gone and bring then back for you, okay?"

I simply nod my head before he bends down and presses his lips to mine

He slowly pulls away after a while and gives me a small smile which I return

"I love you so much Clara"

His Darling ~ Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now