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I awaken with a gasp as I feel and intense pain in my stomach before suddenly Kol is by my side,

"Hey, hey, hey you are okay, just take some deep breaths" He says calmly

I settle down slightly as the pain subsides and before long Kol continues to speak,

"Your stomach is gonna be a little sore for the next few days so just go easy" says Kol

I nod my head slowly and lay back down on the bed as my mind processes all of the new happenings in the past few days. We are going to have a baby.

"Bonnie said that the spell worked, you currently are holding our little child" Kol states with a smile

Finally. A new beginning.


Hello Lovely readers :) I firstly want to apologise for the inconsistency in this story and poor amount of updates. I thought that while I am in my home due to the covid - 19 outbreak now would be a great time to finish this story off in hopes that I can distract you even for just 10 minutes. I am sorry in advance for the quality of these chapters to follow. Stay safe, stay home and be kind to one another. :)

Liv x

His Darling ~ Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now