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We have been in New Orleans for a total of 4 months and we only recently regained Elijah from his.... sleep we will call it.

I wander downstairs to see Hailey in the kitchen along with Elijah so I decide to join them.

As I enter the kitchen I see Elijah replacing Hailey's keen choice of ice cream for some cereal, what a rude bugger.

I speed to get the ice cream from the fridge and sit on the bench with a mischievous smile on my face.

"Now Miss Clara what exactly are you doing?" Asks Elijah with a playful smile making Hailey's mood drop significantly

"I am having ice cream for breakfast" I state proudly while smiling as I take a spoonful

I let out a shriek as I am suddenly pulled onto a lap, not any lap though.

I turn to see Kol smirking at me

He wraps his arms around my waist to ensure that I do not fall from the high bar stool and I simply go back to filling my spoon with ice cream.

"Now darling what did I say to you about eating ice cream for breakfast?" He asks with a childish grin

"Hmm always share?" I reply

"That's my girl" And he grabs a mouthful of ice cream from the spoon and we both laugh lightly

"Kol please, at least ensure your wife is eating semi healthy" Elijah states to Kol

"Oh dear Elijah, let her live a little, it's not like she is going to die because of it"

I set down the tub of deliciousness and let out a light chuckle before Kol zooms me upstairs making me release a light gasp as I am thrown onto our bed.

I smirk as I flip us over so that I am on top and I can't help but smile at the look on his face

"I am such a lucky guy" He whispers as he plays with a strand of hair before pushing it behind my ear

I lean down to softly kiss him and he responds instantly,

"You and Kol downstairs now, I have heard word that the Salvatores crew are in New Orleans" Says Klaus as he stands downstairs knowing perfectly well that we can hear him

"Can I tell you a secret?" Asks Kol quietly as he kisses my neck

I simply nod enjoying his touch too much to answer,

"I do not want to go down there"

We both laugh loudly before we quickly get changed,

Kol just into some grey sweatpants leaving his top half exposed allowing me full ab viewing and I place on some short shorts from Nike and slightly oversized white t shirt that I tuck in a little at the front.

We walk downstairs hand in hand and we split ways as Kol goes to the living room and I go to the kitchen to get some food because I never had a proper breakfast.

I still have no idea what the group wants but I guess we will find out

I decide against proper food and instead grab a glass of blood with a straw, as I place the blood bag into the bin I hear the doorbell ring.

"Clara darling can you please open up the door" Asks Elijah as he descends down the stairs with Klaus in tow.

I simply smile as a response as I go to the door and pull it open to see literally the whole group there.

Matt, Elena, Damon, Stefan, Tyler, Bonnie, Jeremy, Alaric, some new girl and Caroline with a large baby bump.

"Well funny seeing you lot here" I state with a smirk and take a sip of the blood,

I look at them all very briefly and see Damon's eyes on me as well as Elena's and I can already tell that they are official.

"Well look who it is, come in then let's see what this is all about" States Elijah as he stands next to me at the door

I walk ahead of the group minding my own business and unknowingly leading them to the couch where Kol was lying on the couch on his back half asleep.

I walk up to him and sit on his stomach and he sits up so that I am pretty much straddling him,

"Well aren't you looking adorable" He says lowly and begins kissing my neck again as I release a light chuckle

"Well this is nice" I turn to see Jeremy looking around the place trying to break the tension between the group and the Mikaelsons

"Oh well what do we have here?" Begins Kol and I know that he is going to have a field day with this

"We have a full house, we have Bennet bitch, vampire Barbie, crazy hunting brother, dopplebitch, obsessed brothers and of course the creepy old teacher, the only human and hybrid dude" He finishes with a laugh

"And some new blood I see"

I only then begin to take notice of the extra person in the room.

A young girl. Strange.

"Well anyway what can I do for you lot aye?" Asks Klaus as  he walks into the lounge area with Elijah

"We are actually here to see Clara and Kol" States Damon with some obvious distaste at having to ask for our help

Kol stops kissing me neck as he turns to look at the group with a look of confusion, "Um why?" He asks

Caroline steps forwards "We think that there is a way for Clara to have a child"

All hell breaks loose.


"Being hurt gets worse the more you pretend that it doesn't"


W O R D  C O U N T : 947

His Darling ~ Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now