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D A M O N P O V :

I walk into the house to see the dull expressions on majority of peoples faces. What the fuck has happened now?

"Okay, who died?" I question sarcastically

Matt looks at me before continuing to speak,

"Clara just walked out of here after Caroline here made her upset by asking about Kol" Shooting Caroline a glare

"Look I did mean to okay! How many times do I have to apologise?!"

I just shake my head before pulling out my phone and calling Elijah, no way am I going to attempt to sort out that love crazy vamp.

"Yes Damon" His obvious distaste for me clear

"Look Clara has run off because little miss Caroline made her upset by questioning her about Kol, so what do I do?"

I hear him let out a sigh clearly annoyed by the situation at hand,

"Look just give a couple of minutes I am going to find Niklaus and he can deal with her, I have to come get her later so he can suffer this time"

And with that final comment he hangs up the phone leaving me wandering back towards the group not explaining what is going on, simply because most of them can hear it.

We mingle around with some guests and around an hour later the front door opens to reveal Klaus and Clara. She looks....breathtaking. She is wearing a tight dress that hugs all of her curves perfectly, she walks with an aura of power yet at the same time looks kind and approachable. Kol is a very lucky guy, one that I am extremely jealous of.

Klaus kisses her forehead before pushing her inside lightly, giving me a glare of course.

And just like that the evening continues.

C L A R A P O V :

I look at my phone as the clock reads 11:47 pm.

God I want to leave, hopefully Elijah won't be long.

Thankfully the party had been pretty calm for me, Damon had only spoken to me briefly for a few minutes every now and then, making my life much easier, I had only had two drinks and I had just been mostly standing in the corner or helping out in the kitchen.

I glance at my phone once more, looking at the photo of myself and Kol on my lock screen.

It was on our anniversary when he took me to Paris, Bekah was actually the one who took the photo from a distance. We had just left dinner and she asked for a photo of us two, he has his arms wrapped tightly around me from the back and he leaned in to kiss the side of my head, after that moment we made eye contact while smiling brightly and boom Bekah had a photo of us.

Once of my favourites actually.

That was back before this Elena bullshit.

Easier times.

"That is an adorable photo"

I turn to see Caroline standing behind me with a small smile on her face.

"Oh um yeah, Paris"I simply state replicating her small smile on my own face

She just nods her head and comes to stand next to me with her glass in hand.

"I am sorry what I said earlier. I really did not mean to make you upset, it was purely curiosity" She states, making her intentions clear

"Oh no please it is totally okay, I just miss him so much ya know?" I begin

She simply nods her head expecting me to continue

"People say that he is ruthless, a monster, a straight up psycho. I cannot disagree with that, but he was not always like that. At least not to that extreme. Before we were turned, we were expecting a child." I hear Caroline gasp lightly

"His father stabbed my stomach killing the baby before turning me. Kol was furious, I have never seen him like it. He went after his parents and Finn who helped them rid of the child. The brothers and Bekah were outraged that such an opportunity had been lost, especially considering that I could have carried the child even as a vampire. Since then Kol has always been a little different, he does not trust easily, always alert, constantly wanting to be with me in case something happens. People just do not really understand him I guess, I mean it is no excuse for his behaviour but it is part of the fun of him I think... it adds a thrill." I finish with a small smile staring into nowhere and skull the rest of my drink.

"I am really sorry Clara" Says Caroline quietly making me turn to her

"It was a long long time ago, nothing to be sorry for"

I feel my phone vibrate in my hand and look at the now lit up screen

Elijah : I am 30 seconds away, meet me out front.

"I am sorry Caroline but I have to go, Elijah is waiting for me outside"

"Oh yeah of course, thank you for helping" She says while giving me a hug

"Anytime, say goodbye to everyone else for me" I give her a final smile and head out the front door.


As soon as I am home I walk straight to my room, have a shower and get dressed into some pj shorts and one of Kol's hoodies, making me instantly feel safe.

Cliche I know.

I consider going downstairs but instead get straight into bed almost falling asleep instantly knowing I get to see Kol soon.


"Distance is just a test of how far love can travel"


W O R D C O U N T : 955

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