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^ ( How cute is this gif ) ^

After the two boys helped me up the stairs of the basement, I got to properly look around. 

Not only the building itself but the people inside.

As I was processing all the new information a sudden eerie feeling washed over the household. 

I have seen all the originals angry. However only one of them could have that much of an effect.

"Well look what you idiots have done now!" Shouted Klaus

"Now everyone I have some advice I suggest that you take, do not get in his way of Clara, do not try to talk to him and whatever you do, do not anger him further. So that means none of your immature comments Damon" Says Elijah through clenched teeth,

"Ready brother?"

"Of course I am always up for attempting to calm down our most reckless sibling" States Klaus

And they speed outside.


E L E N A  P O V :

The tension in the room was very thick. 

Everyone one scared. Even if they did not want to admit it.

Kol was reckless. And that was just from what I had heard when he had Clara. I am terrified to see him without her.

I am jealous of their love, unconditional. Interesting but unconditional.

I suddenly snap back to reality when I hear a loud yell, 

"Where is Clara?!"


"She is inside but you need to calm right down before you come back inside and see her, she is weak and she needs quiet" I hear Elijah try to calm him down which was obviously going to go down like a treat.

"Yeah like that is gonna work" I hear Damon say rolling his eyes

"Well it is either they try everything or he storms in here furious that we kidnapped her, your choice" States Stefan making a very good point

"Now listen to me Kol, you love this girl with all your heart. Be calm, it is best for her. For her, okay?" I hear Klaus say,after he says those few lines Kol seems to quieten down. 

Thank God.

I look over to see Clara half asleep on one of the couches. I feel so sorry for her. The boys really were cruel to her and now she is so weak. As I look at her more closely I realise how gorgeous she truly is. Ocean blue eyes, clear lightly tanned skin, brunette hair that falls effortlessly into perfect curls. I see it.

The door quietly swings open. Klaus, Elijah and Kol.

I will admit the brothers were a handsome bunch.

I thought the first thing that Kol would do would be to attack everyone in this room. But no, he makes his way slowly towards Clara not even sparing us a glance.

I see him crouch down in front of her and gently place his hand on her cheek. I think it shocks everyone when we see how gentle he is with her, it is as if she is the most fragile thing to roam this earth.

I see Clara begin to slowly open her eyes, before suddenly shooting open at the sight of her loved one in front of her. 

"Kol?" She ask him, the hallucinations the boys forced onto her clearly making her trust slow.

He simply smirks,

"Hello Darling"

She smile as bright as the sun in that moment.

She wraps her arms tightly around him, burrowing herself into the crook of his neck. Kol wraps an arm around her waist and one tightly around her holding onto the back of her head.


"True love does not mean being inseparable; it means having the love to be separated and have nothing change"  


W O R D  C O U N T : 639

His Darling ~ Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now