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Important note at end lovelies x


I was currently standing in the Salvatore lounge with Elijah and Klaus talking to the little vampire crew and their weirdo vampire remixes. Apparently, they wanted to know exactly where Kol was and set some ground rules for us for Elena's extremely important party.

"Look I say you just leave us alone, tell us where Kol is and leave Clara here and we will all be okay" States Damon with a smirk making me roll my eyes at his comment

"I tell you what we do not leave you alone and not tell you where Kol is but instead you can have Clara for a little sleepover tonight hm?" Asks Klaus making me instantly glare at him before speeding over to him only to be grabbed by Elijah and thrown back

"Cut it out both of you!" He shouts looking between us both. I love Klaus but sometimes we act more like an old married couple than actual friends

"Look we will not tell you where Kol is, that is just absurd but we will keep our distance for a while. We will not completely leave but we will not be such a constant pain for you" Says, Elijah

"What about my sleepover?" Questions Damon with a wink making me look the other way out of pure frustration

"Sleepover? Mate, you can have her for a week if you bloody like she is already driving me insane!" Finishes Klaus before this time I pick up a fireplace tool throwing it at him before anyone can blink... he, of course, catches it making me scowl

"Why did Kol leave Clara here anyway?" Asks Elena

"Well Kol had to do a little job for us so to make sure he did that to his full potential I said that we would keep Clara here and after a certain period of time he can have her back" Answered Elijah

I turned to the group with a sarcastic smile "I am a bargaining chip to make Kol behave"

Stefan slowly nods his head before muttering "Makes sense"

"Okay look how about we just leave you alone for this little party of yours, Clara can stay for the party only and I myself will come to collect her and then things can continue the way we are all used to?" Questions Elijah

"Fine but we want no vampire or werewolf activity going on here at all for Elena's birthday" Argues Bonnie

"Fine then" Replies with an obvious tinge of anger

"Well then you guys better be off as we have got a party to get organised for"

After Stefan's comment my group head for the door however I am suddenly stopped by Damon grabbing a tight hold of my arm and leaning down to my ear level

"Wear something pretty tonight hm?" I turn to him mirroring the smirk knowing fully well that all vampires in the room can hear

"Don't worry I will make sure to contact Kol to ensure it is up to his standards before attending" And with that final comment I follow the smirking Mikaelson brothers out of the door.

His Darling ~ Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now