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It has been four weeks since the little celebration and we are all packing. We have caught word that something is going wrong from Rebecca and she insists that we go home to help her and Klaus.

I have not seen any of the Salvatores or any of their friends for that matter since that evening.

I decided that I should go and say goodbye, even though we are not close I still felt it should be done.

I place on a very light burgundy long sleeve body suit that sits tightly on me, also pushing up my boobs at the same time. I wear simple makeup just to enhance my features and put my hair up into a high ponytail.

I put on a pair of high waisted black jeans, a light grey cardigan that hangs low on my body and some black heeled boots.

I go downstairs to say goodbye to Kol who is busy with Elijah getting some of the heavy boxes and family belongings into a moving truck with compelled men.

"Kol?" I question

"Over here love" I turn into the lounge room to see him with Elijah sitting on the couches having tea

"Really? This is what you are doing instead of actually moving stuff?"

They both laugh and I go to sit beside Kol only to have him pull me onto his lap with his arms wrapped around me.

"Where are you off to looking all gorgeous?" Asks Kol with a smirk on his face

"Well I am going to say goodbye to everyone at the boarding house, I need to help Bonnie with a spell. She sent me a fire message and only I know how to figure it out so I will be back soon"

I kiss him goodbye and give Elijah a kiss on the cheek as I head out the door

I knock on the door of the large house only for Damon to open, ugh of course.

"Well what do we have here? Are you lost little miss Mikaelson?" He says with a smirk

"It's Mrs Mikaelson to you" And barge past him into the living room to see everyone here that they are associated with

"Oh Clara, awesome you are here" Says Bonnie standing up to get what looks like a large book

"Yes well if you do not mind let's make this as quick as possible" I say trying not to be rude

"Why the rush?" Asks Tyler trying to be cocky

"We are leaving and I have many things to do beforehand so let's go"

"Wait wait wait, why are you leaving and where exactly are you going?" Questions Bonnie

I grab the book from her hands and go to the page with a bookmark placed neatly inside of it.

"Klaus and Rebekah need our help so we are going back home, to New Orleans" I state as I read over the context of the page

"Well why can you not stay?" Asks Damon with a sombre tone

"I am the most powerful which alive at this moment and time, of course I am going with them and why would I leave Kol?"

He simply shrugs his shoulders and I go back to the book, seriously? She was having trouble with his?

"How many times have you tried it?" I ask her as her friends all look to see her response

"7" She states,

"I have done everything right so I don't know why it could not be working" She says almost proudly of herself

"Did you chant the room first?" I ask looking up at her

"Did you do it with another witch?"

"No" she replies quietly

"Did you have an original vampire in witness?"

"Um well no"

I slam the book shut making Matt jump in fright,

"Well that will be why" I say with a small smirk

"Look how about I just do it?"

"But don't you need two witches and an original?" She asks me quietly while the others look to me questionably

"I have the power of about 50 witches and I am an original so that is that"

I ask everyone to clear out of the way before I set some herbs on fire and hold them around the room as I mutter some words.

I completed the spell in about 5 minutes.

It really was just child's play.

"Well now that that is done I shall say my farewells so goodbye everyone, been semi lovely getting to know you all" I look around to see them all with sad smiles on their faces

I barely even know them,

"I am sure that I will see you again sometime soon"

I walk towards the front door before I hear Damon call out my name,

"Can we at least get a hug goodbye?"

I roll my eyes and give everyone a hug and leave Bonnie for last as I whisper in her ear,

"f you need me call me, us witches have to stay together" I pull away from her and she has a wide smile on her face

I finally leave and speed off home to see that everything is packed up and in the truck.

"Come on darling it is time to go"

I turn to see Kol standing there with the keys to the black Ferrari in hand, while he holds out his other to me to take.

I slowly take his hand and take a moment to look back at the house.

We will be back soon.

We get into the car and speed off while Kol rests his hand on my thigh for the entirety of the journey.

After an extremely long ride we finally reached our destination, the next chapter in our lives.

New Orleans.


"There are only two times that I want to be with you, now and forever"


W O R D  C O U N T : 1005

( sorry for this awful chapter I promise the next one will be a little better )

His Darling ~ Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now