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( Sorry for the extremely long chapter ahead )

Once Finn gets Kol onto our bed I grab my book and sit on the chair across the room knowing it won't be long till he is up again.

After 10 minutes I hear a gasp and look up seeing him awake and with a scowl on his face.

I gently place my book down and head over slowly to the bed where Kol is winding himself up over the events before the neck snapping.

He suddenly moves off the bed heading straight for the exit not even noticing me yet but I speed directly in front of the door arms crossed and with a disapproving look on my face.

"Hello Darling" He replies with a smile as he wraps his arms around me. I however still have my arms crossed.

"Where were you going?" I ask

"To go kill that son of a bitch" He states quickly, already having decided his choices

"Yeah no that is not happening" I say making him step back shocked

"Excuse me?"

"I said you are not going, you need to stay here with me" I say wrapping my arms around his neck bringing him closer

"Well I really need to go and do this but I guess I can stay"

He suddenly speeds us over to the bed where he starts pressing kisses up and down my neck roughly making me gasp in pleasure and surprise. He continued this for a while, me in pure bliss when suddenly he is out the door.


And then I hear my name being called angrily by Klaus,


I speed down and see Kol holding Damon up against the wall by his neck, a stake in hand.

Oh good. Thank god all the guests are gone.

"Do something Clara!" Nik shouts at me

I think and think.

I cannot think of anything extravagant so I simply just try to calm him down by speaking. That usually does the trick.




He stops turning to look at me.

"You need to let this go, come on, come with me. Just like you said earlier a night for just you and me" I say quietly

"He likes you Clara" He seethes

"I know baby, I know he does but I only love you. Nothing will change that."

He slowly begins to release Damon from the wall bringing him down too his feet but still with a tight grip on his neck

"Come on Kol, a night in with just you and me. We have some.. stuff to catch up on" I say raising my eyebrow thinking back to what he said earlier

His Darling ~ Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now