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The sun streams in through the curtains jolting me awake. I take a deep breath and realise Kol once again has an arm wrapped around my waist. I mean I am not complaining.

It had been 4 days since I have returned. 4 days of time with the love of my life, and my real family.

"Good morning darling" I feel a light kiss pressed onto my shoulder making me sigh,

"Good morning" I reply with a small smile

I start to get up to get changed and have a shower but my plans are changed when Kol's grip tightens on me.

"Hmm now where are you off to?" He whispers in my ear making me involuntarily shiver

"I am getting ready for the day, I need to see everyone" I reply hoping it was a good enough reason for him

"Well why don't you just lie down for a bit longer until everybody is up"

"Kol I need to get up now"

He groans before flipping us over again so I am stuck underneath him

It was only in this moment that I realised we have not actually kissed since we saw each other, I guess we just needed some time to adjust and I was nervous

He simply stares at me and sighs

"How did I get so lucky with you?" He asks before he begins slowly kissing me neck

He makes his way upwards towards my lips, we make eye contact for a few seconds and then before I know it his lips are on mine, and I had never felt so happy in all my life.

I wrap my arms around his neck running my hands through his hair, he puts an arm under the arch of back pulling me even closer to him.



I make my way down the stairs with Kol,

"Well look who it is? Our golden girl" I look towards the voice to see Klaus standing in the lounge area

I simply smile before sitting down next to Kol on the couch

"I have come to the conclusion by myself that tomorrow night we shall hold a ball" Announces Elijah

"A ball?" Replies Finn with clear confusion

"Yes I think it is in order to become clear exactly who some of these young vampires are up against" Adds Elijah

"Okay then so I shall go with Clara to pick out a dress, I will grab my tux and we will be all prepared" States Kol

"Um no I think I shall take Clara dress shopping, you can stay here with the rest of the boys and get fitted" Declared Rebekah entering the room

I look over at Rebekah and smile at her. She returns the favour.

"Wait a min-" Begins Kol but I stand up and head over to Rebekah. However my plans changed as I was grabbed and pulled onto a lap.

His Darling ~ Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now