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E L I J A H  P O V :

I watched in pure admiration at the young two. Years apart yet there love was undeniable. Although what did I expect, they were soulmates after all.

"Now if you do not mind I shall now be taking home my wife," He says with a small smile towards Niklaus and myself.

He shifts his attention to the assorted crowd watching the moment.

"But don't you worry, I will come back for you lot, and that is a promise"

Oh good. Kol will begin another slaughter.

He returns to the couch picking up the love of his life and walks out the door before I hear him speed off.

"Well I do say that went rather well, don't you?" I turn to Niklaus' sly smirk before returning to the others.

"We must be on our way, but do keep a look out. Kol is not a very easy person to control to say the least " I finish before speeding off to the mansion followed by Klaus.


C L A R A :

"Clara dear, would you be ever so kind to collect some herbs from the garden?"

I look up from my current read and glance at my mother as she enters the living room,

"Of course mother, give me one moment" I place my book down gently and make my way out of the front exit and towards the small garden to the left.

It was getting dark but the light from my warm home gave me a feeling of security as I left.

After a few minutes I had collected some herbs that I thought would ensure some variety for my mother to choose from considering there were no specifications.

As I stand to head back inside I hear a twig snap.

I stop for a brief moment before continuing my journey inside at a slightly quicker pace.

Suddenly I am pulled back by my right arm that was swinging by my side making me gasp in fright. As I am about to scream a hand is placed over my mouth to stop such noises.

I begin to truly struggle but then I feel a sense of calmness wash over me as I hear a certain voice.

"Relax darling, it's okay it is just me" I turn around to face none other than the love of my life.


He has been away with his family for a few months and it was unsure what their return date was to be. But here he is. Handsome as ever.

I wrap my arms around his neck tightly and his go around my waist. I have tears in my eyes as I realise how much I have truly missed him.

His Darling ~ Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now