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I awaken with pain in my stomach, I roll to see Kol standing there smiling with a small bundle in his arms. 

"Kol?" He turns to me quickly, with a smile on his face.

"Hello darling, are you okay? How are you feeling?" He asks me with concern laced in his tone.

I sit up and before long she is placed in my arms. I look down to see her. She was stunning. She was perfect. Ava Mikaelson.

I knew right then and there that no matter what was happening with this family, we would also have us three. Me, Kol and Ava. I knew Kol was going to be an amazing father. I knew how gentle he would be with her and she would forever be his princess.

I do not know what time will tell but this right here is my family.


The day consisted of visits from family and friends and Elijah bringing me tea 24/7 to help soothe my pain I was still having. Kol was being even more of a sweetheart than usual. He explained to me what happened after she was born, such as him crying from happiness but also from watching me be in so much pain and not being able to do anything. It has certainly been a learning experience for us both. In the weeks that followed, we learnt so much about being parents but before long we got the hang of it. Klaus surprisingly had been a very big help to Kol and was being an amazing uncle to Ava, as well as Elijah of course. They thought the world of her. Rebekah adored her and I made it one of my top priorities that her and Ava would be close. Knowing Rebekah did not want to have a child without someone by her side, I felt I could somewhat provide for her in a way.

"You okay darling?" Asks Kol as I sit at the kitchen drinking tea. I nod my head and he gives me a forehead kiss and taking a seat, indicating that Ava was asleep.

"She has your eyes you know" He says, I look up to him and smile. 

"Well I can tell she is gonna be a little rascal just like her father before we know it" I reply letting out a laugh.

"She will learn from the best I am sure" He states causing us both to laugh once again.

He looks to me with a grin, making me laugh nervously, "What?" I ask him. 

"You are just very stunning,"

I blush lightly before thanking him quietly.

"So wanna make number two?" He asks laughing and raising an eyebrow at me.

"We are not having another child"

"Yeah but I mean you said a similar thing after our first date and here we are after many dates later" He states with a sarcastic tone making me laugh. I was so lucky to have him.


Sorry for short chapters. Finale tomorrow :) 

Liv x

His Darling ~ Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now