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⚠️Sexual Content! If you are uncomfortable with this please just skip this chapter, nothing important!⚠️

C L A R A  P O V :

I groan slightly as the sun streams through the curtains making me confused. How did I get into bed? Ah that is right I fainted

I turn to face the door as I hear it bang open, of course it is Kol looking angry. He doesn't even seem to notice that I am awake, pacing the  room in anger.

"Kol?" I say in a almost whisper

He instantly turns to me and his eyes soften,


I move to sit on the end of the bed however using his speed he switches us around so that I am now straddling him. He then wraps his arms around my waist tightly and leans down to place his head in the crook of my neck

"You okay?" You ask quietly

He simply hums in response before placing light kisses on your neck making you sigh in content

"You know I am getting very sick of my family and seeing as everybody has just left for the night to deal with something in New Orleans I think that I could use a bit of a distraction"

I instantly get nervous but excited.

"W-well what did you have in mind?" I stutter

"Hmm I think you know love"

I just nod slowly before he continuous to attack my neck roughly making me gasp in shock and pleasure, I pull back slightly and undo his buttons on his shirt pushing it back before I unzip my dress dropping it to the floor, exposing my lace set.

"You are the best thing about being alive Clara Mikaelson"

He then attaches his lips to mine pushing me onto the bed so that he is hovering above me making me gasp lightly

I wrap my arms around his neck as he lowers down to me, slowly removing his lips from mine he begins to leave a rough yet soft trail of kisses down my neck making me moan.

He removes my bra with a flick of his hand and before I know it I am completely exposed. I instantly go to cover my body with my hands however Kol catches them with his speed and holds them tightly above my head making me gasp in shock

"Do not ever and I mean ever hide yourself from me Clara, I want to see all of you. Every single inch of your gorgeousness" He states slowing down towards the end as he kisses down my stomach towards my sensitive area making me nervous instantly

"Darling, you tell me to stop and I will stop, okay?" He tells me as I simply nod my head before letting him continue

"I'll be gentle"

Me and Kol had done this before... many times. However due to the hundreds of years apart and my issue it felt like the first time all over again.

I was cut from my thoughts as Kol placed a finger inside of me making me let out a silent whimper. It did not hurt too bad but I knew what was to come.

He slowly started pumping me with this finger making me moan lightly and relax my head but as soon as I was used to that feeling he plunged in another finger making me gasp in shock, arching my back.

Kol new I was in slight pain and placed a few kisses on my neck to calm me down slightly and distract me

Suddenly he removed his fingers from me completely before removing his boxers quickly making my eyes widen somewhat due to my sudden memory of Kol's size. I crawls over to me and holds my hands tightly above my head with just one of his own.

"You need to relax, tensing yourself up won't help," He whispers in my hair

" I need you to take a deep breath and calm down before I continue" He commands while lightly kissing my neck and chest

As he hovers over me ready to actually start he looks directly at me,

"Are you sure love?"

I bite my lip and nod my head as he removes hand from mine letting me free, gently caresses my face with his other hand before continuing

"I love you more than life itself but this is gonna hurt okay darling?" He says and I just lean my head back

All of a sudden he plunges in to me full force making me whimper loudly as I felt my skin stretching again and my eyes close

"Good girl" He whispered on the top of my head as I dug my nails into his shoulders and hide my face in the crook of his neck

He softly kisses my neck again before slowly starting to move back and forth making me release further whimpers and a few gasps here and there along with the occasional moan.

"Shh your okay, your okay" He reassures me as I begin to moan more with each thrust giving him the sign to go faster making me fling my head back in pleasure

"faster" I whisper quietly

"You sure?"


And let me tell you I have never felt pleasure like it. After a while both of us were sweaty, moaning messes.

"I-'Im-" I stutter

"Me too darling"

We both release and Kol gives a few more sloppy thrusts before stopping completely wrapping his arms around me pulling me close to him leaving a few more kisses on my neck and on my cheek

As we lay there side by side I slowly begin to fall asleep, Kol notices and wraps an arm around me as I lay on my stomach

"I am so proud of you darling, I love you so much" He says

"I love you too Kol" I say quietly

He slowly runs his finger down my spine making me sigh lightly before I close my eyes and let sleep take over 


'You deserve love. And you'll get it.'


W O R D  C O U N T : 1020

His Darling ~ Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now