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*8 months later*

"Darling, are you sure that you will be okay looking after Hope? We will only be a day but I just don't what you to get stressed"

I turn to face Kol with Hope on my hip, "I promise, I will be okay"

He comes up to me and puts his hands on my stomach. Time has flown by and I just cannot believe that so soon we are going to be having a little baby running around.

"Ok, I will see you tomorrow. You need me you ring me? Yes?"

"Yes I will ring you" I reply to ease his nerves

I wave to everyone as they get into the black vehicle and depart from the driveway. I turn back to hope with a smile on my face,

"Just you and me tonight, want to help me in the nursery?" I ask her knowing perfectly well I won't get a reply. I grab her some toys and her play mat as we walk upstairs to the baby's room. Two walls are painted grey with a decal on the opposite wall with her name on it.

Ava. Ava Mikaelson.

I have to admit I was sort of rooting for a boy, only because I thought it would suit better to Kol, however the look on his face when he saw it was a girl just made these awful months worth it. He looked at the sonogram image as if that thing was the only thing in the world that mattered to him. I adored it.

After moving some furniture and feeding Hope in between times the nursery was finally done with a grey, white and pastel pink aesthetic.

As I stand and admire the room I feel a sharp pain in my lower abdomen and liquid running down my legs, did I just actually pee myself?

I feel another sharp pain, nope. I think my water just broke. I move quickly to grab hope and put her down for sleep to ensure that I know she is taken care of before getting changed into a loose summer dress.

I reach for my phone as another contraction hits making me grunt in pain. I quickly dial Kol's number,

"Hi Darli-"

"Kol it's happening I need you home now" I grunt as another wave hits.

"Shit, ok darling go lie down I will be there as soon as I can" And he hangs up.

I lay on the couch after collecting a drink of water and just breathe. I look at my phone and see it has been another 10 minutes since my last contraction when I hear the door open, I quickly turn to see if its Kol only to see Bonnie standing there.

"Kol called me, are you okay?" She asks walking over to me

"Yeah I am just great"

I can sense Bonnie's panic through the tone of her voice as she rushes towards the kitchen to grab me a glass of water I presume. She comes back to me and hands me the glass before sitting next to me on the carpet beside the couch.

"Should we maybe go to the bath? Get you nice and relaxed?" Asks Bonnie, I nod my head lightly as I slowly stand up and follow her up the stairs with thanks to her support. 

Before long I am in just a bra in a bath with Kol by my side screaming my heart out.

My vision becomes blurry as I hear Elijah and Klaus on my other side, with Hayley holding my hand. Whose idea was this cause jesus christ.

Everything comes to a halt as i hear Rebecca, 

"She's here!" And I hear a small cry.

I smile before slowly closing my eyes.

"Clara!" I hear Kol yell before I submit to darkness.


Hope you enjoyed :) sorry it is not at all my best work but I seem to have sort of lost passion and direction for this story. But I had to finish it for you amazing readers before I decided to publish a new piece of work which I hope you guys will enjoy also even though it is very different to this.

Liv x

His Darling ~ Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now